

01-東吳經濟學學報民73年-獨占管制廠商行為分析 02-An Estimation of the effects of load Management: The case of Taiwan (1988) 03-An Empirical test of the Electric Utility under an allowable Rate of Return (1990)-SSCI 04-Inputed Outage Cost under the Proposed Curtailable Rate Program in Taiwan (1991) 05-An Economic Analysis of Power Development Alternatives in Taiwan (1992) 06-Reliability in Demand Options and Imputed Outage Costs: The Case of Taiwan (1993) 07- Outage Cost caused by various outage Depths (1993)-SSCI 08-Priority service and Outage cost in the power sector (1993) 09- Various Methods for Estimating Power Outage costs (1994)-SSCI 10- 台灣各縣市文化中心績效相對之評估(1995) 11-The Deregulation of Taiwan’s Electric Power Industry (1997) 12-Long-term Peck Electricity load forecasting in Taiwan: a Cointegration analysis (1997) 13- A measurement of the resource utilization efficiency of university libraries (1997)-SSCI 14-The Evaluation of the Relative Performance of University Libraries in Taipei (1997) 15- The reform of the electric power industry in Taiwan (1997)-SSCI 16- Performance Evaluation of Selected U.S. Utility Commercial Lighting Demand-side Management Programs (1997) 17- 台灣公民營銀行經營效率之比較>:資料包絡分析法的應用(1998) 18- A study of efficiency evaluation in Taiwan’s banks (1998)-SSCI 19-A Study of bank efficiency and ownership in Taiwan (1998)-SSCI 20- Critical success factors for various strategies in the banking industry (1999) 21-Determining The Comparative Efficient Units Of Insurance Industries Through DEA (1999) 22-Technical and Scale Efficiency in Taiwan’s banks: A Comparative Study (1999) 23- A Measurement of Bank Efficiency, Ownership and Productivity Changes in Taiwan (2000)-SSCI 24-Critical influencing factors in the deregulation of Taiwan’s electricity industry (2000) 25- 銀行經營績效評估財務比率與DEA 的整合(2000) 26- The impact of mitigating CO 2 emissions on Taiwan’s economy (2001)-SSCI 27- An estimation of X-inefficiency in Taiwan’s banks (2001) 28- Measuring firm performance with DEA and prior information in Taiwan’s banks (2002)-SSCI 29-An assessment of technical efficiency and cross-efficiency in Taiwan’s electricity distribution sector (2002)-SSCI 30- A comparison of chance-constrained DEA and stochastic frontier analysis: bank efficiency in Taiwan (2002)-SSCI 31- Measuring Operation, Market and Financial Efficiency in the Management of Taiwan’s Banks (2002) 32- 海岸型風景區之旅遊意象對遊客行為意圖之- 以遊客滿意度為仲介變 (2003)-- 林若慧 33- Estimating the benefits of pollution reduction on agricultural yields: Taiwan ’s air pollution emission fees program (2003)-SCI-- 李俊昇 34-Incorporating the Quality of Output Measure to Evaluate Bank Operating Efficiency in Taiwan (2003) 35- Square of correspondence between career needs and career development programs for R&D personnel (2003)-- 張保隆 + 葉晶雯 36- The study of career needs, career development programmes and job satisfaction levels of R&D personnel: the case of Taiwan (2003)-SSCI-- 張保隆+ 葉晶雯 37- 關係滿意、信任與承諾影響因素之探討 - 以銀行個人理財部門為例(2004)-- 陳建州 38- 台灣銀行業善因行銷、外部線索對服務品質、知覺風險與知覺價值之影響關係研究(2004)-SSCI-- 張保隆 + 張宏生 39- An investigation of career development programs, job satisfaction, professional development and productivity: the case of Taiwan (2004)-- 張保隆 + 葉晶雯 40-A study of career needs, career development programs, job satisfaction and the turnover intentions of R&D personnel(2004)-- 張保隆 + 葉晶雯 41-Forecasting the development of internet security technology in Taiwan via scenario analysis(2004)-- 邱繼震 42- A Study of Cost Efficiency and Privatisation in Taiwan’s Banks: The Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis (2004)-SSCI 43- 發展顧客滿意與關係價值之研究:高接觸服務業之證據(2005)-SSCI-- 張保隆 + 葉晶雯 44- Mitigating CO2 emissions by adjusting the power generation mix in Taiwan (2005)-- 許志義 45-Price, brand cues, and banking customer value (2005)-- 張保隆+ 張宏生 46- REDUCING CONSUMERS ’ PERCEIVED RISK THROUGH BANKING SERVICE QUALITY CUES IN TAIWAN (2005)-SSCI-- 張宏生 47- A measurement of Taiwan’s bank efficiency and productivity change during the Asian financial crisis (2005) 48- 透過品牌要素、廣告代言人形成品牌態度之研究:以少淑女流行服飾業為例(2006)-- 蘆葦蓁 49- The effects of career development programs on R&D personnel in Taiwan (2006)-- 張保隆 + 葉晶雯 50- Promoting Relationship Selling Behaviors to Establish Relationship Value: The Case of International Airlines (2006)-- 陳啟斌 + 曾靜儀 51- 品牌形象、品牌關係與知覺品質關係之研究—以美白化妝品品牌為例 (2007)-- 葉香麟 52- The Effects on the Relationship Learning from Relationship Enhancement Activities (2007)- 黃婷逸 + 許芳銘 53- Cause-Effect among Relationship Selling Behaviors, Trust and Relationship Value: A Study of International Airlines in Taiwan (2007)-- 陳啟斌 + 曾靜儀 54- DEA performance evaluation based on BSC indicators incorporated The case of semiconductor industry (2007)-- 陳令華 55- Cause and effect among expected, predicted and perceived relationship quality: the case of Taiwanese life insurance companies (2007)-- 周妤庭 56- 善因 行 銷、品牌關係與品牌評價之因果關係探討:以銀 行 業為 例 (2007)-- 廖淑娥 57- The Influence of Merger and Acquisition Activities on Corporate Performance in the Taiwanese Telecommunications Industry (2007)-SSCI-- 劉祥熹 + 白麟巖 58- Investigating of the causal relationship among Relational Selling Behaviors, Cause-Related Marketing and Consumer Value in the resort hotel (2008)-- 宋為農等 59- Customer relationship management resources and practices and customer voluntary behavior : the evidence of passengers at Taiwan ’ s international airport (2008)-- 凌毓鎂 60- How Public-Issue-Promoted and Revenue-Related Types of Social Marketing Influence Customer-Perceived Value in Taiwan's Banking Industry (2008)-- 張宏生 + 曾建銘 61- 從關係的觀點探討企業夥伴的選擇對跨組織學習成效的影響 (2008)-- 洪廣朋 + 曾建銘 -TSSCI 62- Firm operation performance analysis using data envelopment analysis and balanced scorecard A case study of a credit cooperative bank (2008)-- 陳啟斌 + 彭馨瑩 63-Employ trust, Commitment and Satisfaction as Moderators of the Effects of Idealized and Consideration Leadership on Voluntary Performance: A Structural Equation Investigation (2009)-- 黃旭男 + 劉佑 64- Scenario analysis using embedded technology roadmap for a digital video system platform for family use development (2009) 65- Enhancing the relationship benefit to develop relationship value (2009)-- 林盈秀 66- On Relationship Needs and Development for Enhancing a Customer ’ s Satisfaction in the Service Sector (2009)-- 張保隆 . 劉祥熹 . 葉晶雯 67- How Cause Related Marketing Influence Customer Value in Banking Industry? (2009)-- 曾建銘 + 張宏生 68- Efficiency and satisfaction of electronic records management systemsine-governmentin Taiwan (2009)-SSCI-- 許芳銘 + 王淑文 69- The Influence of Partner Characteristics and Relationship Capital on the Performance of International Strategic Alliances (2009)-- 謝偉嵐 + 劉祥熹 70- Renewable energy technology portfolio planning with scenario analysis: A case study for Taiwan (2009)-SSCI-- 許志義 + 余序江 71- A comparative study of energy utilization efficiency between Taiwan and China (2010) - SSCI -- 葉彩蓮 + 賴佩穎 72- Incorporating greenhouse gas effects to evaluate energy efficiency in China (2010)-(SSCI)-- 葉彩蓮 + 賴佩穎 73- The role of customer values in accepting information technologies in the public information service sector (2010)-SSCI-- 許芳銘 + 王淑文 74- The Effects of Learning Capacity, Transparency and Relationship Quality on Inter-Organizational Learning (2010)-- 洪廣朋 + 曾建銘 75- Using Relationship Norms to Create Appropriate Relationship Value: Evidence From the Credit Card Industry (2011)-- 林芳如 76- Trust-Building Mechanisms and Relationship Capital (2011)-- 葉昕珺 + 葉彩蓮 77- 品牌形象、品牌信任與品牌價值間因果關係之實證分析 (2011)- 蔡依芳 78- Financial performance of township governments and its four budget cycles (2012)-- 鍾苗銘 + 葉彩蓮 79- Strategic alliances and hotel efficiency in Taiwan (2012) -- 李嘉愷 + 葉彩蓮 80- Antecedents of the Voluntary Performance of Employees: Clarifying the Roles of Employee Satisfaction and Trust (2012) - SSCI -- 劉佑 + 黃旭男 81- A Comparison of Three-Stage DEA and Artificial Neural Network on the Operational Efficiency of Semi-Conductor Firms in Taiwan (2013)-- 劉祥熹 + 陳澤義 + 邱永和 + 郭福興 82- The Influence Factors of Consumers ’ Subjective Effect toward Brand Extension (2013)-- 黃于真 83- Comparative Analysis of Endowments Effect Renewable Energy Efficiency Among OECD Countries (2013)-- 葉彩蓮 + 柯儀萱 84- Influence Factors Of Taiwan Sky Lantern Cultural Product: Cause And Consequence Factors Of Cultural Product In Cultural And Creative Industry: A Case Of Sky Lantern In Pengxi. (2013)-- 葉彩蓮 + 涂登才 + 萬子維 85. The effects on stock return of consumer electronic industry through marketing communication productivity (2013)-- 葉彩蓮 + 張雅婷 86. Factors influencing brand association (2013)-- 葉彩蓮 + 鄭雯心 87. Comparison of Power Plants Efficiency among 73 Countries (2013)-- 葉彩蓮 + 李逸婷

88. Relationship Inertia in the Technology Acceptance in Internet Banking (2013)-- 張桂綾

89. Measuring Management Performance of Americas Coffee Franchise Using Service-profit Chain Analysis (2013)-- 陳澤義 + 葉彩蓮 + 柯佳吟

90. Using Cultural Products and Cultural Landscapes to Promotion Globalization of Cultural and Creative Ceramics Industry in Yingge (2013)-- 東吳經濟商學學報-- 葉彩蓮 + 李靜怡

91. Exploring Perceived Value and Usage of Information Systems in Government Context (2013)-- 許芳銘 . 范秋足 . 王淑文 92. The Influence Factors Of Word Of Mouth In Taiwan ’ s Cultural And Creative Movies Industry (2013)-- 陳澤義 + 李俊昇 + 鄭志彬