Hsin-Lung Wu 吳信龍

Department of Computer Science and Information
National Taipei University
PhD, Department of
Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University
Master, Department
of Mathematics, National Taiwan University
Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University
Research interest: Deep learning theory, Machine learning theory, Theory of computation, Algorithm design, Computational complexity, Secure Multiparty Computation, Reversible data hiding
Teaching: CalculusI and Calculus II (undergraduate), Linear algebra (undergraduate), Algorithms (undergraduate), Formal Languages (undergraduate), Introduction to Machine Learning (undergraduate), Machine Learning (graduate), Advanced Machine Learning (graduate)
(Alphabetical order)
- Wei-Chung Lin and Hsin-Lung Wu. On the Secret-Sharing-based Secure Two-Party Computation. Journal of Information Science and Engineering. Accepted. (SCI).
- Yan-Jen Huang, Hsin-Lung Wu, and Ching Chen. Block-wise Separable Convolutions: An Alternative Way to Factorize Standard Convolutions. IEEE Access, Vol.12, pp. 21559-21568, 2024. (SCIE).
- Yan-Jen Huang and Hsin-Lung Wu. New Coarse-to-Fine Approaches for Age Estimation based on Separable Convolutions. IEEE Access, Vol.11, pp. 130306-130318, 2023. (SCIE).
- Chun-Liang Jhong and Hsin-Lung Wu. Grayscale-Invariant Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Histograms Modification. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol.2, No.9, pp.5888--5901, 2022. (SCIE).
- Chun-Liang Jhong and Hsin-Lung Wu. Exploring More Capacity for Grayscale-Invariance Reversible Data Hiding. IEEE Access, Vol.9, Pages 137005 - 137014, 2021. (SCIE).
- Hsin-Lung Wu. On the Communication Complexity of And Functions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.67, no.7, Pages 4929 - 4935, July 2021. (SCIE).
- Chun-Liang Jhong and Hsin-Lung Wu. Efficient Provably Algorithms for Boundary Bin-Pair Problem. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, accepted, 2021 (SCI).
- Jen-Chun Chang and Hsin-Lung Wu . The Log-Rank Conjecture for Read-k XOR Functions. Journal of Information Science and Engineering. 34(2), pp. 391--399, 2018. (SCI).
- Jen-Chun Chang, Yi-Zhi Lu, and Hsin-Lung Wu. A Separable Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Encrypted JPEG Bitstreams. Signal Processing, Vol 133, Pages 135-143, 2017. (SCI).
- Jen-Chun Chang and Hsin-Lung Wu (2015, Nov). On Constant-Time-Identification and Privacy-Preserving RFID Protocols: Trade-Off between Time and Memory. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 32 No. 4, pp. 887-901.. (SCI).
- Hsin-Lung Wu, Jen-Chun Chang (2012, Mar). Constructing Constant Composition Codes via Distance-Increasing Mappings. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol.26(1), pp.375–383. (SCI).
- Chia-Jung Lee, Te-Tsung Lin, Min-Zheng Shieh, Shi-Chun Tsai, Hsin-Lung Wu (2011, Oct). Decoding Permutation Arrays with Ternary Vectors. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, » Volume 61, Issue 1 , p.1-p.9 . (SCI).
- Chi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai, Hsin-Lung Wu* (2011, Mar). Complexity of Hard-Core Set Proofs. Computational Complexity, Volume 20, Issue 1 , p145-171 . (SCI).
- Chi-Jen Lu; Hsin-Lung Wu* (2010, Dec). On the Hardness against Constant-Depth Linear-Size Circuits. Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, Vol.2 No.4, p.515-p.526. (Mathematical Reviews). NSC 97-2218-E-305-001-MY2.
- Chi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai, Hsin-Lung Wu (2008, Oct). On the Complexity of Hardness Amplification. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 54(10), 4575--4586. (SCI).
- Te-Tsung Lin, Shi-Chun Tsai, Hsin-Lung Wu (2008, Jul). Simple Distance-Preserving Mappings from Ternary Vectors to Permutations. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 54(7), 3251-3256. (SCI).
- Chi-Jen Lu, Shi-Chun Tsai, Hsin-Lung Wu (2007). Improved Hardness Amplification in NP. Theorectical Computer Science, 370(1-3), 293--298. (SCI).
- Yen-Ying Huang, Shi-Chun Tsai, Hsin-Lung Wu (2006). On the Construction of Permutation Array via Mappings from Binary vectors to Permutations. Design, Codes, and Cryptography, 40(2), 139--155. (SCI).
- Shi-Chun Tsai, Wen-Guey Tzeng, Hsin-Lung Wu (2005). On the Jensen-Shannon Divergence and Variance Distance. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 51(9), 3333--3336. (SCI).
1.黃俊堯, 吳信龍, 盧俊銘,影像分類系統與方法(
2.董明智,吳信龍,盧俊銘,朱伯?,神經網路之處理方法及其伺服器與電子裝置 (NEURAL NETWORK PROCESSING METHOD AND SERVER AND ELECTRICAL DEVICE THEREFOR),中華民國發明專利:發明第 I776760字號。
My Lab: Humanoid Intelligence and Theory of Computation Lab (https://www.facebook.com/hictlab.csie.ntpu.edu.tw/)
My Facebook
My favorite sport is marathon. My personal best record is 2:56:35 for 42.195 km. (https://www.sportsnet.org.tw/score_detail_utf8.php?Id=228)
If you need a recommendation letter from me, please read the following requirement.
1. You should take at least four courses offered by me and have grades at least 80 points.
2. For entering a master CSIE program, your application list should include the master program of Department of CSIE, NTPU.
Contact Information:
Address: No. 151, University Road, San-Sia,
Taipei County, Taiwan 237
Tel:886-2-86741111 ext 68828
Office: 7F15, Elytone Building