Over the past
few days,
The rise of
this brown-nosing culture can be traced to this year’s senior
examination for lawyers, where 78 out of 100 questions have something to
do with President A-bian. Yet another brown-nosing drama is related to the
Hsuehshan (
It would be fair to say that the real victims here are the horses. There they were, living their lives without bothering anybody, and yet, they are now associated with “brown-nosers.” We can’t help but wonder: do our ancestors hold a grudge against these creatures? You see, a lot of our negative idioms have something to do with horses, such as: “every ass likes to hear himself bray,” “old and unaccomplished,” “to give something away,” “badly battered,” and “to suffer an accidental setback”…
最近台灣籠罩在一片「馬屁文化」中:馬屁題、馬屁橋、馬屁軍… 處處馬屁聲,難怪謝院長要大家多注意「個人衛生」。
1. brown-nosing (adj.) 拍馬屁的;諂媚的
2. shroud (v.)籠罩
3. troops (n.) 軍隊
4. wordplay (n.) 俏皮話
5. trace (v.) 追溯
6. senior examination for lawyers 律師高考
7. temporary bridge暫時搭建的橋;便橋
8. high ranking official 高階官員
9. rehearse (v.) 預演;演習
10. formation (n.) 隊形;形成之物
11. ancestor (n.) 祖先
12. grudge (n.) 惡意;怨恨
13. negative (adj.) 負面的
14. unaccomplished (adj.) 無成就的;無技能的
15. setback (n.) 挫折;倒退