
Brown-nosing Culture

Over the past few days, Taiwan has been shrouded in the “brown-nosing culture.” Some examples of these are the “brown-nosing questions,” the “brown-nosing bridge,” and the “brown-nosing troops.” With so much negative wordplay going around, it isn’t hard to understand why Premier Frank Hsieh is telling the general public to mind their “personal hygiene.”

The rise of this brown-nosing culture can be traced to this year’s senior examination for lawyers, where 78 out of 100 questions have something to do with President A-bian. Yet another brown-nosing drama is related to the Hsuehshan ( Snow Mountain ) Tunnel’s temporary bridge, which was built on a NT$1.5 million budget, solely for the transportation convenience of A-bian and some high ranking officials. The “brown-nosing troops” refer to the Hsinchu air base troops who were forced to give up their holiday to rehearse songs and troop formation to welcome the president.

It would be fair to say that the real victims here are the horses. There they were, living their lives without bothering anybody, and yet, they are now associated with “brown-nosers.” We can’t help but wonder: do our ancestors hold a grudge against these creatures? You see, a lot of our negative idioms have something to do with horses, such as: “every ass likes to hear himself bray,” “old and unaccomplished,” “to give something away,” “badly battered,” and “to suffer an accidental setback”…








1.          brown-nosing (adj.) 拍馬屁的;諂媚的

2.          shroud (v.)籠罩

3.          troops (n.) 軍隊

4.          wordplay (n.) 俏皮話

5.          trace (v.) 追溯

6.          senior examination for lawyers 律師高考

7.          temporary bridge暫時搭建的橋;便橋

8.          high ranking official 高階官員

9.          rehearse (v.) 預演;演習

10.      formation (n.) 隊形;形成之物

11.      ancestor (n.) 祖先

12.      grudge (n.) 惡意;怨恨

13.      negative (adj.) 負面的

14.      unaccomplished (adj.) 無成就的;無技能的

15.      setback (n.) 挫折;倒退