
Friends and Family Gather on Full Moon


The Moon Festival, also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is one of the three major holidays in Taiwan . The most prominent protagonist of this holiday is none other than the lady who flew up the sky to live in the Moon Palace , Chang Er. Luckily for her, she had the Jade Rabbit, Wu Gang and occasional astronauts from Earth to keep her company on the moon; or else she would have bitterly regretted having swallowed her husband Hou-yi's elixir.

On this moon cake and pomelo foodfest, it would be customary to hold a barbeque or throw a party with friends and family. Be it on the front porch, the rooftop or at the park, people can devour food while gazing up the moon, fantasizing about waltzing with Chang Er on top of the moon.

But be aware! You many really dance with Chang Er sooner than you think. All you have to do is go on using over-bleached bamboo chopsticks and aluminum foil which releases toxins when heated. Also, if you consume too much of the cancer-causing charred meat from your numerous barbeque parties, believe it or not, you’re already halfway from meeting Chang Er up in the sky!








1.          full moon 滿月

2.          the Moon Festival(又稱 the Mid-Autumn Festival )中秋節

3.          protagonist (n.) 主角;主人翁

4.          Moon Palace 月宮

5.          Chang Er 嫦娥

6.          Jade Rabbit 玉兔

7.          Wu Gang 吳剛

8.          astronaut (n.) 太空人

9.          keep … company ……做伴

10.      swallow (v.) 吞嚥

11.      Hou-yi 后羿

12.      elixir (n.) 長生不老藥;萬靈丹

13.      moon cake 月餅

14.      pomelo (n.) 文旦;柚子

15.      customary (adj.) 依據風俗習慣的;慣例的

16.      barbeque (n.) 烤肉

17.      porch (n.) 門廊

18.      devour (v.) 狼吞虎嚥

19.      fantasize (v.) 幻想

20.      waltz (v.) 輕巧地跳;跳華爾滋舞

21.      over-bleached (adj.) 過度漂白的

22.      aluminum foil 鋁箔紙

23.      toxin (n.) 毒素

24.      consume (v.) 食盡;消耗

25.      cancer-causing (adj.) 會導致癌症的

26.      charred (adj.) 燒焦的

27.      halfway (adj.) 中途的