美 國 俄 亥 俄 州 各 大 學 在 臺 灣 校 友 聯 合 會

美 國 俄 亥 俄 州 立 大 學 在 臺 灣 校 友會




美國俄亥俄州州長 Bob Taft  閣下伉儷及商務代表團訪臺



  間:2004930  7:00pm-9:00pm


點:台北君悅大飯店(Grand Hyatt Taipei)嘉賓廳The Grand Ball Room


  約﹝爲便於統計人數,請於   9   15    下午5點前傳真至(02) 82570773

 e-mail roychang@cltv.tinp.net.tw

參加者姓 名:                                電話:                               傳真:

e-mail                                                                                      穿著



In honor of the Hon. Ohio Governor Bob Taft & First Lady Hope Taft

and the Ohio Business Delegation

on their visit to Taiwan


The Ohio Universities and Colleges Alumni Alliance in Taiwan

The Ohio State University Alumni Club in Taiwan


request the pleasure of your company

at a welcoming cocktail reception


on Thursday, September 30, 2004, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm


at 3F, Grand Ball Room, Grand Hyatt Taipei

2 Song Shou Road, Taipei


R.S.V.P.  (on or before September 15, 2004 Fax to 02-82570772 or e-mail to roychang@cltv.tinp.net.tw )

(Name)                                                                                                Attire: Business Suit

Tel:                                                     Email: