Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National Taipei University
University Rd., San Shia District, New Taipei City, 23741 Taiwan
Journals (* Corresponding author)
ü Chen, Chun-Chih and Ying-Tzu Lin*, 2018.4, ¡§Impact of chronic disease on the mid‐age employment in Taiwan¡¨, International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 33(2), p.321-328 (SSCI)
ü Lin, Yen-Ju*,Ching-Yang Liang,
and Chun-Chih Chen, 2017.5, ¡§Gender differences in the relationship between religion and
Health-Related Quality of Life¡¨, Taiwan Journal of Public Health,
36(2), p.123-136 (in Chinese, TSSCI, °ê¬ì·|Âå°ÈºÞ²z»â°ì±ÀÂË´Á¥Z)
ü Chen, Chun-Chih, Ying-Tzu Lin, Tsai-Ching Liu and Chin-Shyan Chen*, 2016.12, ¡§Economic Stress and Mental Health: The
Relationship Between the Stock Market and Neurotic Disorder Doctor Visits¡¨, Stress & Health,
32, p.607-615 (SSCI)
ü Lin, Yen-Ju*, Chun-Chih Chen, and Miao-Hsiang Chen, 2014.11, ¡§Urbanization
and Private Insurance Purchasing Decisions under National Health Insurance in
Taiwan¡¨, Empirical
Economics Letters, 13(11), p.1231-1241, (EconLit)
ü Chen, Chun-Chih, Yen-Ju Lin*, and Ying-Tzu Lin, 2013.12, ¡§Awareness and Utilization of Preventive Care Services among the Elderly under National Health Insurance¡¨, International Journal of Health Care Finance & Economics, 13, p247-260 (SSCI, EconLit)
ü Chen, Chun-Chih, Chin-Shyan Chen*, Tsai-Ching Liu, and Ying-Tzu Lin, 2012.12, ¡§Stock or Stroke? Stock Market Movement and Stroke Incidence in Taiwan¡¨, Social Science & Medicine, 75, p.1974-1980 (SSCI, SCI, °ê¬ì·|Âå°ÈºÞ²z»â°ì±ÀÂË´Á¥Z)
ü Lin, Yen-Ju and Chun-Chih Chen*, 2012.8, ¡§Eating Behavior and the Utilization of Outpatient Services - The Case of Taiwan¡¨, Economics Bulletin, 32(3), p. 2181-2197 (EconLit)
ü Lin, Yen-Ju, Chun-Chih Chen, Tsai-Ching Liu*, and Ying-Tzu Lin, 2012.1, ¡§Addiction and utilization of medical care¡¨, Economics Research International, 2012, (EconLit)
ü Lin, Yen-Ju, Wei-Hua Tian*, and Chun-Chih Chen, 2011.12, ¡§Urbanization and the Utilization of Outpatient Services under National Health Insurance in Taiwan¡¨, Health Policy, 103, p.236-243 (SSCI, °ê¬ì·|Âå°ÈºÞ²z»â°ì±ÀÂË´Á¥Z)
ü Chen, Chun-Chih* and Hsiang-Wei Lin, 2011.10, ¡§The advantages of
dynamic factor models as techniques for forecasting: Evidence from Taiwanese
macroeconomic data¡¨, International
Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(5), p. 208-215, (EconLit)
ü Chen, Chun-Chih*, 2011.9, ¡§Revisit early
warning systems for currency crises¡¨, International
Research Journal of Applied Finance, 2(9), p.1050-1064, (EconLit)
ü Chen, Chun-Chih*, 2011.2, ¡§How do real exchange rates switch between
regimes? Evidence from three nonlinear models¡¨, Empirical Economics Letters, 10(2), p.105-112, (EconLit)
Ø °·±d»P¸gÀÙ±¡¶Õ¤§ÃöÁp, TaiSHE ¥xÆW°·±d¸gÀپǷ|-®L©u¤u§@§{, 2019.9, ¥xÆW¬ãµo«¬¥Í§Þ·sÃĵo®i¨ó·|
Ø Socioeconomic Status, Macro Condition, and Health, the 94th
annual conference of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 2019.6, San
Francisco, USA
Ø Macroeconomic condition and health status, 2018¬ì§Þ³¡ºÞ²z¤@¾Çªù¦¨ªGµoªí·|, 2018.9, °ê¥ß¬Fªv¤j¾Ç
Ø Wealth and Health: Evidence from House Price Index, the 14th
international conference of Western Economic Association International (WEAI),
2018.1, Newcastle, Australia
Ø Impact of Non-Communicable Diseases on the Mid-age Employment in Taiwan,
2017¬ì§Þ³¡ºÞ²z¤@¾Çªù¦¨ªGµoªí·|, 2017.9, °ê¥ß¤¤¤s¤j¾Ç
Ø Impact of Non-Communicable Diseases on the Mid-age Employment in Taiwan, the 92nd annual
conference of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 2017.6, San
Diego, USA
Ø Chronic diseases and Employment, International Conference
on Social Science, 2016.7, Sapporo, Japan
Ø Stock market and heart attacks, Society of Interdisciplinary Business
Research, 2015.7, Osaka, Japan
Ø ¤ß²z°·±d»P¸gÀÙ±¡¶Õ¡A2014¬ì§Þ³¡ºÞ²z¤@¾Çªù¦¨ªGµoªí·|º[²£·~½×¾Â,2014.9, ¤¤°êÂåÃĤj¾Ç
Ø Mental health and business cycles, the 89th annual conference of
Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 2014.6, Denver, USA
Ø Cardiovascular disease and macroeconomic condition, the 88th annual
conference of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 2013.6,
Seattle, USA
Ø Awareness and Utilization of Preventive Care Services among the Elderly under National Health Insurance, the 4th Joint Meeting of Health Economics Association of Japan, Korea and Taiwan, 2012.9, Taiwan Society of Health Economics, Taipei, Taiwan
Ø Unemployment rates and health status: Evidence from stroke incidence rate in Taiwan, the 3rd Joint Meeting of Health Economics Association of Japan, Korea and Taiwan, September 2011, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
Ø Another look at impulse responses in Taiwan, the 85th annual meeting of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), July 2010,
Portland, USA
Ø Using local projection to estimate impulse
responses in Taiwan, ¨â©¤ºÓ³Õ¤h¥Í½×¤åµoªíº[ª÷¿ÄºÞ²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, May 2010, °ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç
Ø Another look at impulse responses in Taiwan, 2009 Á`Åé¸gÀÙp¶q¼Ò«¬¬ã°Q·|, December 2009, ¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|
Ø Delayed overshooting under
Factor-Augmented Vector autoregression, the 84th annual meeting of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), June 2009,
Vancouver, Canada
Ø How do real exchange rates
switch between regimes? the 83rd annual meeting of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), June 2008,
Honolulu, USA
Ø Dimension reduction and exchange rate movement, Far Eastern Meeting
of the Econometric Society (FEMES), July 2007, Taipei
Ø Dimension reduction and exchange rate movement, the 82nd annual meeting of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), July 2007,
Seattle, USA
Ø Markov-Switching and exchange rates,
Joint Conference on Information Sciences (JCIS), Computational Intelligence in
Economics and Finance (CIEF), October 2006, Kaohsiung
Ø Session B, ¥@·s¸gÀÙ2020¦~¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, 2020.10, Taipei
Ø Session 139, Topics in Health Economics, the 94th annual conference of WEAI, 2019.6, San Francisco, USA
Ø Session 13, Topics in Health Economics II, the 14th international conference of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 2018.1, Newcastle, Australia
Ø Session 355, Topics in Health Economics, the 92nd annual meeting of WEAI, 2017.6, San Diego, USA
Ø Session III, Health Services Research 2016 ´»´Á·|ij, 2016.9, Taipei
Ø Session of Economics of Health Care I, the 89th annual meeting of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 2014.6, Denver, USA
Ø Session of Topics in Health Economics III, the 88th annual meeting of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 2013.6, Seattle, USA
Ø ³õ¦¸¡G°·±d¸gÀÙ¡A¥xÆW¸gÀپǷ|2012¦~¦~·|º[²Ä13©¡¥þ°ê¹êÃÒ¸gÀپǬã°Q·|¡A2012.12, °ê¥ß¤¤¥¡¤j¾Ç
Ø ³õ¦¸¡G°ê»Ú¶T©ö¡A²Ä¤Q¤G©¡¥þ°ê¹êÃÒ¸gÀپǬã°Q·|¡A2011.6, °ê¥ß²MµØ¤j¾Ç
Ø Session of Economics and medical utilization, the 85th annual meeting of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 2010.7, Portland, USA
Ø Session of Quantitative methods I, the 85th annual meeting of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 2010.7, Portland, USA
Ø ³õ¦¸¡G¤½¦@¸gÀÙijÃD¡A¨â©¤ºÓ³Õ¤h¥Í½×¤åµoªíº[ª÷¿ÄºÞ²z¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|, 2010.5, °ê¥ß»O¥_¤j¾Ç
Ø ³õ¦¸¡GÁ`Åé¹êÃÒII, 2009 Á`Åé¸gÀÙp¶q¼Ò«¬¬ã°Q·|, 2009.12, ¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|
Ø Session of Interest rate and currency, the 84th annual meeting of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 2009.6, Vancouver, Canada
Ø Session of Threshold models, the 83rd annual meeting of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 2008.6, Honolulu, USA
Ø Session of Computational finance, the 5th NTU International
Conference on Economics, Finance, and Accounting (IEFA), 2007.5, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Ø Session 139, Topics in Health Economics, the 94th annual conference of WEAI, 2019.6, San Francisco, USA
Ø Chair, Session 13, Topics in Health Economics II, the 14th international conference of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 2018.1, Newcastle, Australia
Ø Chair, Session of Economics of Health Care I, the 89th annual meeting of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 2014.6, Denver, USA
Ø Chair, session of Threshold models, the 83rd annual meeting of Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 2008.6, Honolulu, USA
Ø Chair (with Bao-Rong Chang), session of Financial time series
forecasting and analysis, Joint Conference on Information Sciences (JCIS),
Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance (CIEF), 2006.10, Kaohsiung
ü 2018/8-2019/7 pµe¥D«ù¤H¡AªÀ¸g¦a¦ì¹ïÂåÀø¨Ï¥Î»P¸gÀÙ±¡¶ÕÃöÁp¤§¼vÅT (107-2410-H-305 -063 -)
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