Homepage of Professor Lee's Research Group
at the Institute of Natural Resource Management
National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

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[Created 1997/10/03; Last Revised 2015/09/06]

About the Research Group

Address: 151, University Rd., Sanxia District, New Taipei City, 23741, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Research Interests

Environmental Systems Analysis: Theory and Application
Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Management Systems
Air Quality Management and Groundwater Resource Management
Geostatistics and the Maximum Entropy Principle: Theory and Applications
Industrial Ecology and Materials Flow Analysis
Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Risk Management.

The HEAD of the Group: Yuh-Ming Lee, Distinguished Professor

Ph.D. (Environmental Systems Analysis) The Johns Hopkins University
M.A. in Economics and Mathematics for Public Decision Making, The Johns Hopkins University
M.S. in Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University
B.S. in Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University

Graduate Student (for Master and Ph.D. Degrees)

=> Please refer to the pages in Chinese (No English pages available so far)

Research Assistants, Classes' Pages, and Research Projects

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