There is no
required text. A set of copyrighted class notes, which is part of a textbook in
preparation, will be provided in installments. You may obtain the newest version
of the lecture notes from http://shannon.cm.nctu.edu.tw/
The following is
a list of recommended texts:
1. Elements of
Information Theory, Thomas M. Cover and Joy A.Thomas, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 1991.
2. Principles
and Practices of Information Theory, Richard E. Blahut, Addison Wesley, 1988.
Your final grade
for the course will be based on your performance in the midterm exam, as well
as a final study report on a self-selected paper on IEEE transactions on
Information Theory and a one-hour oral presentation on your report. Since it is
an advanced course for which the objective is mainly to provide you with the
necessary background on underlying communication theories, your attendance to each
lecture is important. I will constantly name the students in the enrolled list
to make sure your attendance in the course.