課程名稱:排隊理論 (Queueing Theory)



成績考查方式:期中考 40%,期末專題50%,平常成績10

A set of lecture notes will be provided on Dr. Bose’s website. You may obtain the newest version of the lecture notes from http://home.iitk.ac.in/~skb/qbook/qbook.html. The following is the textbook:

Textbook: An Introduction to Queueing Systems, by S. K. Bose, 2000.



Studentsfinal grades for this course are based on their performances in midterm examination, final project reports on problems in the queueing theory research area, and up to 120-minute oral presentations on their reports. Students will be asked to attend every lecture in order to learn the advance topics of queueing theory.





1.          Introduction

2.          Markov Processes and Markov Chains

3.          Basic Queueing Theory

4.          Analysis of the M/G/1 Queue in Equilibrium

5.          Analysis of the M/G/1 Queue in Equilibrium -Method of Supplementary Variables 

6.  Fundamentals of Queueing Networks