



There is no required text. A set of class notes will be provided. You may obtain the newest version of the lecture notes from http://csie.ncnu.edu.tw /~yshan/welcome.html.


Students’ final grades for this course are based on their performances on up to 90-minute oral presentations. The students will be asked to attend every lecture since it is an advanced course for which the objective is mainly to provide them with the necessary background on wireless sensor networks.


The following is a list of topics that will be covered:

1.      Overview (1 week)

2.      Architecture (1 week)

3.      Data fusion (1 week)

4.      Routing Scheme (2 week)

5.      MAC scheme (1 week)

6.      Sleeping Scheme (1 week)

7.      Security (2 week)

For each topic, two students will present papers selected by the instructor. Each presentation will be 90 minutes.


Last Updated: 12/29/2003