江振宇 博士/Dr. Chen-Yu Chiang
履歷 (Curriculum Vitae)
Updated on May 6, 2022
Table of Contents
- 姓名 (Name)
- 個人網站 (personal website)
- 實驗室 (Laboratory)
- 長期研究以及系統 (Long-Term Support Projects/Services)
- 郵寄地址聯 (mailing address)
(237) 新北市三峽區大學路151號 音律電機資訊大樓 8F11室
Rm. 11, 8F., Elytone Building for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, No. 151, Daxue Rd., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City 237303, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
- 聯絡電話 (Tel) (公/Office)
- +886 (02) 86741111 # 68805
- 傳真 (Fax)
- 電子郵件信箱 (email)
- 服務機關 (affiliation)
- 國立臺北大學通訊工程學系
- Department of Communication Engineering, National Taipei University, New Taipei City, Taiwan
- Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, National Taipei University, New Taipei City, Taiwan
- 專長 (specialty)
- 語音訊號處理,包含但不限於「語音合成」、「文字轉語音」、「語音辨認」、「語音壓縮」、「多語言語音處理」等,
- Speech signal processing, including but not limited to speech synthesis, text-to-speech systems, speech recognition, speech coding, multi-lingual speech processing, etc.
2. 學歷 (Education)
- Doctor of Engineering in Communication Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, 2009
- Master of Engineering in Communication Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, 2004
- Bachelor of Engineering in Communication Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, 2002
Ph.D. Dissertation: “Unsupervised Joint Prosody Labeling and Modeling for Mandarin Speech,” National Chiao Tung University, 2009. (Advisors: Prof. Sin-Horng Chen and Prof. Yih-Ru Wang)
Link1: https://hdl.handle.net/11296/6r536f or
Link2: https://etds.ncl.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi/ccd=E_1Zf8/record?r1=1&h1=1
Master Thesis: “An Improvement on Chinese Parser,” National Chiao Tung University, 2004. (Advisor: Prof. Sin-Horng Chen)
Link1: https://hdl.handle.net/11296/b2y94d or
Link2: https://etds.ncl.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi/ccd=VrSWf./record?r1=1&h1=0
3. 經歷 (Employment)
- Associate Professor, Department of Communication Engineering, National Taipei University, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Jul. 2020 - present
- Contracted Associate Professor, Department of Communication Engineering, National Taipei University, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Jan. 2019 - Jul. 2020
- Contracted Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Engineering, National Taipei University, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Aug. 2012 – Jan. 2019
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2009 - July 2012
4. 學術專長與興趣 (Specialty & Research Interests)
- Digital Speech Processing
- Pattern Recognition
- Natural Language Processing
- Audio Signal Processing
Research Interests
- Deep Learning
- Text-to-Speech System - text analysis, prosody generation, speech synthesizer, variable speaking rate TTS
- Speech Recognition - prosody-assisted automatic speech recognition, hierarchical language modeling, search algorithm, prosody-dependent acoustic modeling, Chinese dialect (Min-Nan and Hakka) speech recognition
- Prosody Modeling - prosody hierarchy construction, prosody generation, prosody analysis of native/non-native speakers, spontaneous speech prosody modeling, speaking rate modeling
- Audio Signal Processing - singing voice synthesis, music retrieval, chord recognition
- Natural Language Processing - word identification, part of speech tagging, phrase identification, punctuation generation, syntax analysis.
- Spoken Dialog System - dialog management, system integration, design of user interface
5. 榮譽 (Honors)
- 2021 臺灣電信年會暨 108 年電信學門計畫成果發表-優良研究成果展示-優良獎。
- ROCLING2019 Best Poster Presentation Award (Runner-up)
- 國立臺北大學108學年度產學合作績優教師優等獎。
- 2017 Cyberspace 聯合研討會最佳論文佳作
- 連續於2014以及2015兩年在 The Oriental Chapter of COCOSDA/CASLRE國際會議得到 ITN Best Paper Award
- 提報「行政院國家科學委員會105/107年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才」
- 國立臺北大學102學年度績優導師
- 國立臺北大學106/108年度學術研究獎助
6. 執行計畫 (Projects)
Here lists primary projects involved. You may find other details here.
2020.8 - 2023.7
- Project: Development of technologies and systems for speech learning
- Position: PI
- Grant: MOST
- Content:
- Speech Labeling & Modeling Toolkit (SLMTK 1.0)
- VoiceBank
- Low-latency and high-quality adaptive speech synthesis
- Robust pronunciation error detection
- Reference speech feedback with language learner’s speech timbre and prosody
- Automatic prosody labeling and modeling tool for huge speech corpora
- Visualization of speech timbre and prosody for training of speaking and listening skills
- Construction of Chinese/Mandarin-to-Taiwanese/Hakka language translation and text-to-speech system
2020.4 - 2021.7
- Project: ReVoice Project - Development of Text-to-Speech System for ALS People (研發整合漸凍症病友智慧溝通系統-成果加值及落地應用計畫之子計畫)
- Position: PI of the subproject 2
- Grant: MOST 前瞻應用司
- Content:
- Speech corpus designed for ALS people
- Speech recording service
- Prosody cloning
- Speech timbre cloning
- Deliver 10 customized text-to-speech systems for ALS people
- Please find details here.
2019.10 - 2020.9
- Project: 經濟部產學研價值創造計畫 – 智慧聯網核心系統開發計畫 – 分項1-1-2:語音合成 (2/4)
- Position: PI
- Grant: MOEA 107-EC-17-A-02-S5-008
- Content:
- Development of Android-based text-to-speech system
- Construction of deep learning-based English text-to-speech system
2019.8 - 2020.7
- Project: Development of Mixed Mandarin, English, Taiwanese, and Hakka Text-to-Speech System based on Deep Learning and Hierarchical Prosody Modeling Technologies
- Position: PI
- Grant: MOST 108-2221-E-305-003
- Content:
- Cross language (Mandarin-English) prosody labeling, modeling, and adaptation
- Prosody generation for mixed Mandarin-English speech
- Speech synthesis for mixed Mandarin-English speech
- Prosody generation and speech synthesis for mixed Mandarin/English/Taiwanese/Hakka speech
2018.10 - 2019.9
- Project: 經濟部產學研價值創造計畫 – 智慧聯網核心系統開發計畫 – 分項1-1-2:語音合成 (1/4)
- Position: PI
- Grant: MOEA 107-EC-17-A-02-S5-008
- Content:
- Mandarin text-to-speech system total solution
- Local speaking rate estimation
2018.8 - 2019.7
- Project: Text-to-Speech Systems Constructed by Deep Learning Technologies
- Position: PI
- Grant: MOST 107-2221-E-305-009-
- Content:
- Speaker adaptation for deep learning-based TTS
- Deep leaning-based vocoder
2017.8 - 2018.7
- Project: Development of Text-to-Speech System based on Deep Learning Technologies
- Position: PI
- Grant: MOST 106-2221-E-305-010-
- Content:
- Development of the deep learning-based sub-modules of the SR-HPM
- Development of the deep learning-based speech synthesizer
- End-to-end global optimization for SR-HPM
2016.6- 2017.6
- Project: A Unified Text-to-Speech Framework for Mandarin, English, and Taiwanese.
- Position: PI
- Grant: Chunghwa Telecom under contract no. TL-105-8202
- Content:
- Text analysis for Chinese-English mixed texts
- Speech synthesis for mixed Mandarin and English
- Speech synthesis for Taiwanese
2016.6- 2017.5
- Project: Development of Customer-Configurable Text-to-Speech, Voice Conversion, and Speech to Text Systems
- Position: PI
- Grant: MOST 105-2622-E-305-003-CC3
- Content:
- Customer-Configurable Text-to-Speech
- Speech to Text Systems
2014.1- 2015.1
- Project: Hybrid Unit-Selection Speech Synthesis
- Position: PI
- Grant: Chunghwa Telecom under contract no. TL-102-8202
- Content:
- Text normalization, polyphonem disambiguation, tone sandhi labeling
- HMM-based speech synthesis
- Unit-selection speech synthesis
- Hybrid speech synthesis
2013.8- 2016.7
- Project: Prosody Modeling for English and its Applications
- Position: PI
- Grant: MOST 102-2221-E-305-005-MY3
- Content:
- Advanced prosody modeling for English
- Analysis on prosody of native English speakers (L1s) and non-native English speakers (L2s)
- Prosody-assisted automatic speech recognition for English
2012.9- 2013.7
- Project: Prosody Modeling for Computer-Assisted English Learning System
- Position: PI
- Grant: NSC 101-2218-E-305-002- (NT$ 603,000)
- Content:
- Cross-language speech attribute detection
- Advanced prosody modeling for English
- Prosody-assisted automatic speech recognition for English
7. 技術授權 (Licensing and Technology Transfer)
Please find the details here.
8. 著作 (Publications)
Please find the details here or Google scholar.
9. 專利 (Patents)
Please find the details here.
10. 學術活動 (Scholarly Activities)
- Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2009 -
- Member, Acoustical Society of America (ASA), 2011 -
- Member, International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), 2009 -
- Member, Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (ACLCLP), 2007 -
Academic Service
- IEEE Transaction on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (IEEE T-ASLP)
- ISCA Computer Speech and Language
- Elsevier Speech Communication
- MDPI Sensors/Applied Sciences/Symmetry/Energy
- Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (JCIE)
- ISCA Speech Prosody
- ISCA Interspeech
Conference organization
- Conference chair, the ROCLING 2019, New Taipei City, Oct. 3-5, 2019
- Publication co-chair, ISCSLP 2018 - The 11th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing, Taipei City, Nov. 26-29, 2018
- Program chair, the ROCLING 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Oct. 4-5, 2018
Invited talks
11. 教學 (Teaching)
數位訊號處理/Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
國立臺北大學通訊工程學系研究所選修-數位訊號處理 (M5631)
國立臺北大學通訊工程學系大三必修課-多媒體訊號處理 (U3329)
線性代數/Linear Algebra
國立臺北大學通訊工程學系大一必修課-線性代數 (U3329)
Table of Contents
1. 基本資料 (Basic Information)
(237) 新北市三峽區大學路151號 音律電機資訊大樓 8F11室
Rm. 11, 8F., Elytone Building for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, No. 151, Daxue Rd., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City 237303, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
2. 學歷 (Education)
3. 經歷 (Employment)
4. 學術專長與興趣 (Specialty & Research Interests)
Research Interests
5. 榮譽 (Honors)
6. 執行計畫 (Projects)
Here lists primary projects involved. You may find other details here.
2020.8 - 2023.7
2020.4 - 2021.7
2019.10 - 2020.9
2019.8 - 2020.7
2018.10 - 2019.9
2018.8 - 2019.7
2017.8 - 2018.7
2016.6- 2017.6
2016.6- 2017.5
2014.1- 2015.1
2013.8- 2016.7
2012.9- 2013.7
7. 技術授權 (Licensing and Technology Transfer)
Please find the details here.
8. 著作 (Publications)
Please find the details here or Google scholar.
9. 專利 (Patents)
Please find the details here.
10. 學術活動 (Scholarly Activities)
Academic Service
Conference organization
於個人化文字轉語音系統之建立: https://rocling2021.github.io/ or https://hackmd.io/@cychiang-ntpu/HkrWxqm-F
Invited talks
11. 教學 (Teaching)
數位訊號處理/Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
國立臺北大學通訊工程學系研究所選修-數位訊號處理 (M5631)
多媒體訊號處理/Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP)
國立臺北大學通訊工程學系大三必修課-多媒體訊號處理 (U3329)
線性代數/Linear Algebra
國立臺北大學通訊工程學系大一必修課-線性代數 (U3329)