EconTalk (see also Friedman, Mankiw, Summers, Taylor, Romer, Piketty, or Bernanke)
The Economist (see also Bloomberg, FT, CNBC, 紐約時報, 華爾街日報, or 張五常)
EconLib (see also Wealth of Nations, Liberty Fund, and open courses of MIT/Yale)
Becker Friedman Institute (see also Coase-Sandor Institute, IEA, ISNIE, or INET)
JSTOR (e-journals; see also ScienceDirect (ID required, if off campus), SSRN, or Hume)
Taiwan Data Bank (see also PWT, WDI, BEA, BLS, WTID, and Taiwan's Statistics)
Nobel Laureates in Economics (see also the History of Economic Thought)
Fed (see also Minnesota Workshop in Macro Theory, ECB, BOE, CBC, BOJ, and PBC)
NBER (see also AEA, Chicago, Elsevier, Oxford, Wiley, ME, and Coase/Phillips Lectures)
Ronald Coase Institute (see also Conferences '08, '09, '10, or Lectures '03, '04, '09)