
l         Volley & Smash

n         Smash

n         Volley & Smash

l         Approach Shot & Volley

n         Volley

n         Approach & Volley

l         Approach Shot & Volley & Smash

l         Spin & Flat

n         Spin

n         Spin & Flat

l         Serve & Volley

n         Volley

n         Serve & Volley

l         Serve Return & Approach Shot

l         Serve Return & Lob

l         Serve Return & (move inward groundstroke or outward groundstroke)

l         One vs. Two

n         Inward groundstroke

n         Outward groundstroke

l         Doubles cover

n         Change place to other side

n         Forward and Backward for cover the volleyed ball

n         Cross to cover to keep attacking

l         Baseline groundstroke & Approach Shot

l         Baseline groundstroke & move inward groundstroke or outward groundstroke

l         Duce Side Serve Return: outside-in down to the alley; lob along the alley over net-man; cross court.

l         Advantage Side Serve Return:

l         Swing volley