陳志昌   Jr-Chang CHEN

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taipei University
Vice Dean, Academic Affairs, National Taipei University
Director, Faculty Development and Teaching Resources Center, National Taipei University

Email: jcchen@mail.ntpu.edu.tw TEL: +886-2-86741111 ext. 68831 Office: (237) 新北市三峽區大學路 151 號 電資大樓 719 室 7F19, Elytone Building, University Rd., No. 151, San Shia District, New Taipei City, 237, Taiwan


  • 電腦對局導論 (Computers and Classical Board Games: An Introduction)
  • 第25屆人工智慧論壇 (AI Forum 2023)
    清華大學, 新竹, 台灣, May 5, 2023
  • 台灣電腦對局研討會暨競賽 (TCGA 2023)
    東華大學, 花蓮, 台灣, May 19-20, 2023
  • International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
    Macao, August 19-25, 2023
  • IEEE Conference on Games (CoG 2023)
    Boston, USA, August 21-24, 2023
  • 國際奧林匹亞電腦對局競賽 (Computer Olympiad 2023)
    Online, the end of August, 2023
  • The Advances in Computer Games conference (ACG 2023)
    Online, November 28-30, 2023
  • Computers and Games 2022 conference (CG 2022)
    Online, November 22-24, 2022
  • Game Programming Workshop (GPW-22)
    The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 11-13, 2022
  • Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2022)
    National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 1-3, 2022
  • 第11回 UEC 盃 in GAT5五将棋大会 (The 11th UEC-cup Computer Mini-shogi tournament)
    Tokyo, Japan, 3/9-10, 2019

簡介 (About)

學歷 (Education)

  • 國立台灣大學資訊工程學系學士 (1996)
    B.S., Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University
  • 國立台灣大學資訊工程所碩士 (1998)
    M.S., Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University
  • 國立台灣大學資訊工程所博士 (2005)
    Ph.D, Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University

經歷 (Experiences)

  • 中華民國人工智慧學會秘書長 (2015.02-2017.01)
    Secretary General, Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence (TAAI)
  • 中華民國人工智慧學會理事 (2017.02-2023.01)
  • 中原大學應用數學系副教授、助理教授
    Associate Professor and Assistant Professor , Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Chung Yuan Christian University
  • 銘傳大學資訊傳播工程學系助理教授
    Assistant Professor , Dept. of Computer and Communication Engineering, Ming Chuan University

學術參與 (Academia Activities)

  • General Chair of The 10th International Conference on Computers and Games (CG2018) and The 21st Computer Olympiad, Taiwan, July 7-13, 2018.
  • Competition Chair of 2017 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI2017), Taiwan, 2017.

研究興趣 (Research Interests)

  • 電腦對局 Computer Games
  • 人工智慧 Artificial Intelligence
  • 深度學習 Deep Learning for Computer Games

發表論文 (Publications)

期刊論文 (Journal Papers)

  • Shih-Chieh Tang, I-Chen Wu, Jr-Chang Chen* (2023). MeowCaTS won the Mahjong tournament. ICGA Journal 45(2-3), 85-88. (SCIE)
  • Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, Kokolo Ikeda, I-Chen Wu, Jr-Chang Chen, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2023). Analyses of Tabular AlphaZero on Strongly-Solved Stochastic Games. IEEE Access 11, 18157-18182. (SCIE) (link)
  • Jr-Chang Chen*, Shih-Chieh Tang, I-Chen Wu (2022). Monte-Carlo Simulation for Mahjong. Journal of Information Science and Engineering 38(4), 775-790. (SCIE) (link)
  • Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, Jr-Chang Chen (2022). CLAP_CDC wins Chinese dark chess tournament. ICGA Journal 44(3), 114-118. (SCIE)
  • Shih-Chieh Tang, Jr-Chang Chen, I-Chen Wu (2022). VeryLongCat won the Mahjong tournament. ICGA Journal 44(3), 103-107. (SCIE)
  • Jr-Chang Chen, Wen-Jie Tseng, I-Chen Wu, Ting-han Wei (2020). Comparison Training for Computer Chinese Chess. IEEE Transactions on Games 12(2), 169-176. (SCIE) (link)
  • Wei-Yuan Hsu, Chu-Ling Ko, Jr-Chang Chen, Ting-Han Wei, Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, I-Chen Wu (2020). On Solving the 7,7,5-Game and the 8,8,5-Game. Theoretical Computer Science 815, 79-94. (SCIE) (link)
  • Jr-Chang Chen*, Hsuan-Yu Wang, Po-Hsun Chen (2020). Nyanpass wins the Minishogi and Diceshogi tournaments. ICGA Journal, 42(1), 63-67. (SCIE) (link)
  • Jr-Chang Chen*, Ting-Yu Lin, Gang-Yu Fan (2020). Yahari wins the Chinese dark chess tournament. ICGA Journal, 42(1), 53-56. (SCIE) (link)
  • Ching-Nung Lin, Jr-Chang Chen, Shi-Jim Yen (2019). Deep Learning Competition Framework on Othello for Education. IEEE Transactions on Games 11(3), 300-304. (SCIE) (link)
  • Jr-Chang Chen, Gang-Yu Fan, Hung-Jui Chang, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2018). Compressing Chinese Dark Chess Endgame Databases by Deep Learning. IEEE Transactions on Games 10(4), 413-422. (SCIE) (link)
  • Jr-Chang Chen, Chin-Lin Shiue (2018). An investigation of the game of Defend the Island. ICGA Journal 40(4), 330-340. (SCIE) (link)
  • Lin Ching-Nung, Jr-Chang Chen, Yen Shi-Jim, Chan-San Chen (2018). Design of a Block Go program using deep learning and Monte Carlo tree search. ICGA Journal 40(3), 149-159. (SCIE) (link)
  • Hung-Jui Chang, Jr-Chang Chen, Gang-Yu Fang, Chih-Wen Hsueh, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2018). Using Chinese Dark Chess Endgame Databases to Validate and Fine-Tune Game Evaluation Functions. ICGA Journal 40(2), 45-60. (SCIE) (link)
  • Hung-Jui Chang, Jr-Chang Chen, Chih-Wen Hsueh, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2018). Analysis and Efficient Solutions for 2×4 Chinese Dark Chess. ICGA Journal 40(2), 61-76. (SCIE) (link)
  • Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, I-Chen Wu, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Jr-Chang Chen (2018). An Investigation of Strength Analysis Metrics for Game-Playing Programs: A Case Study in Chinese Dark Chess. ICGA Journal 40(2), 77-104. (SCIE) (link)
  • Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, I-Chen Wu, Wen-Jie Tseng, Shi-Jim Yen, Jr-Chang Chen (2016). An Analysis for Strength Improvement of an MCTS-Based Program Playing Chinese Dark Chess. Theoretical Computer Science 644(C), 63-75. (SCIE) (link)
  • Jr-Chang Chen, Ting-Yu Lin, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2015). Equivalence Classes in Dark Chess Endgames. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 7(2), 109-122. (SCIE) (link)
  • Jr-Chang Chen, I-Chen Wu, Wen-Jie Tseng, Bo-Han Lin, Chia-Hui Chang (2015). Job-Level Alpha-Beta Search. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 7(1), 28-38. (SCIE) (link)
  • Shi-Jim Yen, Cheng-Wei Chou, Jr-Chang Chen, I-Chen Wu, Kuo-Yuan Kao (2015). Design and Implementation of Chinese Dark Chess Programs, IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 7(1), 66-74. (SCIE) (link)
  • Bo-Nian Chen, Hung-Jui Chang, Shun-Chin Hsu, Jr-Chang Chen, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2014). Advanced Meta-knowledge for Chinese Chess Endgame Knowledge Bases. ICGA Journal 37(1), 17-24. (SCIE) (link)
  • Jr-Chang Chen, Tsan-Cheng Su, Shi-Jim Yen (2014). TAAI 2013 Computer Game Tournaments Report. ICGA Journal 37(1), 40-43. (SCIE)
  • Bo-Nian Chen, Hung-Jui Chang, Shun-Chin Hsu, Jr-Chang Chen, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2013). Multi-Level Inference in Chinese Chess Endgame Knowledge Bases. ICGA Journal 36(4), 203-214. (SCIE) (link)
  • Shi-Jim Yen, Jr-Chang Chen, Tai-Ning Yang, Shun-Chin Hsu (2004). Computer Chinese Chess. ICGA Journal 27(1), 3-18. (SCIE) (link)

會議論文 (Conference Papers)

  • Jr-Chang Chen, Jun-Ping Chen, Yu-Yen Wang, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2024). Improvements in Evaluation Functions Based on Endgame Databases of Chinese Dark Chess. IEEE Conference on Games 2024 (IEEE CoG 2024), Milan, Italy. (EI) (link)
  • Yang Ho, Jr-Chang Chen* (2024). A Study on Reinforcement Learning in Tri-Othello. 2024 International Computer Symposium (ICS 2024), Taipei, Taiwan. (Excellent Paper Award)
  • Shih-Chieh Tang, Jr-Chang Chen*, I-Chen Wu (2024). A Lookup Table for Deficiency Number Calculation in Mahjong. 2024 International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2024), Hsinchu, Taiwan. (accepted) (EI)
  • Shi-Jim Yen, Yu-Shan Yen, Jr-Chang Chen (2024). Number Solitaire Game HyperSpaceWorm. The 29th Game Programming Workshop (GPW-24), Kanagawa, Japan. (accepted)
  • Shi-Jim Yen, Chaowei Huang, Yu-Feng Yen, Jr-Chang Chen (2024). Incorporating Domain Knowledge into Monte Carlo Tree Search in Dark Chess. IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE ICASI 2024), Kyoto, Japan. (EI)
  • Jr-Chang Chen, Tzu-Yang Hsu, Chia-Ming Hsu, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2023). Applying Larger N-Tuple Networks to EinStein Würfelt Nicht!. ACM conference proceedings of the 2023 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (CIIS'23), 165-172, Tokyo, Japan. (EI, Scopus) (link)
  • Shi-Jim Yen, Guan-Lun Chen, Jr-Chang Chen (2023). Life-and-death Problem Prediction using Deep Convolutional Neural Network in the Game of Go. The 28th Game Programming Workshop (GPW-23), Kanagawa, Japan.
  • Jr-Chang Chen, Chao-Liang Weng, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2022). Preliminary Design, Implementation and Observations of the Multi-player Game Tri-Othello. 2022 International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2022), 36-41, Tainan, Taiwan, (link)
  • Cheng-Han Yeh, Jr-Chang Chen (2022). Monte-Carlo Simulation with Heuristics for Computer Mahjong. 2022 TCGA Computer Game Workshop (TCGA 2022), Nantou, Taiwan. (佳作論文獎)
  • Zin-Yang Syu, Jr-Chang Chen (2022). Applying Bitboard and N-Tuple Networks to EinStein Würfelt Nicht!. 2022 TCGA Computer Game Workshop (TCGA 2022), Nantou, Taiwan.
  • Wen-Jie Tseng, Jr-Chang Chen, I-Chen Wu (2019). Merging Metrics of Special Rules in Chinese Chess Endgame Databases. The 2019 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2019), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  • Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, I-Chen Wu, Jr-Chang Chen, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2018). AlphaZero for a Non-deterministic Game. The 2018 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2018), Taichung, Taiwan. (EI, Best Paper Award)
  • Wen-Jie Tseng, Jr-Chang Chen, I-Chen Wu (2018). Comparison Training of N-Tuple Networks for Chess. The 23rd Game Programming Workshop (GPW-18), Kanagawa, Japan.
  • Jr-Chang Chen, Ting-Yu Lin, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2018). The Number of Effective Moves. The 10th International Conference on Computers and Games (CG2018), New Taipei City, Taiwan.
  • Hung-Jui Chang, Gang-Yu Fan, Jr-Chang Chen, Chih-Wen Hsueh, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2017). Validating and Fine-tuning of Game Evaluating Functions Using Endgame Databases. Proceedings of the 2017 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17), Computer Games Workshop, Melbourne, Australian. Computer Games, 137-150, Springer. (EI) (link)
  • Shi-Jim Yen, Ching-Nung Lin, Guan-Lun Cheng, Jr-Chang Chen (2017). Deep Learning and Block Go. The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2017), Anchorage, Alaska, USA. (EI)
  • Ching-Nung Lin, Shi-Jim Yen, Jr-Chang Chen (2017). Accelerate Parallel Deep Learning Inferences with MCTS in the game of Go, The 22nd Game Programming Workshop (GPW-17), Kanagawa, Japan.
  • Shi-Jim Yen, Keng Wen Li, Jr-Chang Chen, Ching-Nung Lin (2016). Deep Convolutional Neural Network, Minorization-Maximization Algorithm, and Monte Carlo Tree Search on Block Go. The 21th Game Programming Workshop (GPW-2016), Kanagawa, Japan.
  • Jr-Chang Chen, Gang-Yu Fan, Shih-Yu Tsai, Ting-Yu Lin, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2015). Compressing Chinese Dark Chess Endgame Databases. 2015 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (IEEE CIG 2015), Tainan, Taiwan. (EI) (link)
  • Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, I-Chen Wu, Wen-Jie Tseng, Shi-Jim Yen, Jr-Chang Chen (2015). Strength Improvement and Analysis for an MCTS-Based Chinese Dark Chess Program. The 14th conference on Advances in Computer Games (ACG2015), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 9525, 29-40, Leiden, the Netherlands. (EI) (link)
  • Shi-Jim Yen, Wei-Liang Chen, Jr-Chang Chen, Shun-Chin Hsu, I-Chen Wu (2014). An Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm with Priority Calculation for Unit Commitment Problem, The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GrC 2014), Hokkaido, Japan. pp. 352-357. (EI) (link)
  • Chen, W.J., Yen, S.J., Chen, J.C., Lin, C.N., "Design and Implementation of Magic Chess," The 19th Game Programming Workshop (GPW-14), 2014, Kanagawa, Japan. (link)
  • Wen-Jie Tseng, Jr-Chang Chen*, I-Chen Wu, Ching-Hua Kuo, Po-Han Lin (2013). A Supervised Learning Method for Chinese Chess Programs, The 27th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI2013), Toyama, Japan. (link)
  • Kuang-Yu Wu, Jr-Chang Chen*, Shi-Jim Yen, Shun-Chin Hsu (2012). Design of Knowledge-based Opening Database for Minishogi. IWCG Workshop, The 2012 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2012), Tainan, Taiwan. (EI) (link)
  • Jr-Chang Chen, Ting-Yu Lin, Shun-Chin Hsu, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2012). Design and Implementation of Computer Chinese Dark Chess Endgame Database. The 2012 TCGA Computer Game Workshop (TCGA 2012), Hualien, Taiwan.
  • Shi-Jim Yen, Tsan-Cheng Su, Shih-Yuan Chiu, Jr-Chang Chen (2010). Optimization of Nonogram's Solver by Using an Efficient Algorithm. The 2010 International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2010), Taiwan. (pp. 444-449) (EI) (link)
  • Bo-Nian Chen, Jian-Yu Chen, Jr-Chang Chen, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Pangfeng Liu, Shun-Chin Hsu (2009). An Intelligent Tutoring System of Chinese Chess. Proceedings on 22nd International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE '09), LNCS 5579, 350-359, Tainan, Taiwan. (EI) (link)
  • Shi-Jim Yen, Tai-Ning Yang, Jr-Chang Chen, Shun-Chin Hsu (2007). Pattern Matching in Go Game Records. The second International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC 2007), 2007, Kumamoto, Japan. (pp. 297) (EI) (link)
  • Jr-Chang Chen, Shi-Jim Yen. Shun-Chin Hsu (2005). Study on Loop Problem in Opening Game Knowledge Base for Chinese. The 8th Joint Conference on Information Science (JCIS), Salt Lake City, UTAH, USA.

Book & Book Chapters

  • Tsan-sheng Hsu, Shun-Chin Hsu, Jr-Chang Chen, Yi-Ting Chiang, No-Nian Chen, Yun-Ching Liu, Hung-Jui Chang, Sue-Chen Tsai, Ting-Yu Lin, Gang-Yu Fan (June 2017). Computers and Classical Board Games An Introduction (電腦對局導論), National Taiwan University Press, 389 pages, ISBN: 978-986-350-237-1. (link)

研究計畫 (Projects)

  • 零知識強化學習技術及其應用於電腦遊戲之研究--子計畫五:基於零知識強化學習技術之麻將遊戲AI研發 (2024/08/01-2027/07/31),主持人。
  • 運用MuZero技術於六子棋遊戲之精確證明 (2022/08/01-2024/07/31),主持人。
  • 基於AlphaZero框架的隨機型對局遊戲程式之研發 (2019/08/01-2022/07/31),主持人。
  • 深度強化式學習技術之應用研究 (2018/01/01-2021/12/31),共同主持人。
  • 人工智慧在輔助人類學習對局遊戲之應用 (2018/01/01-2021/12/31),共同主持人。
  • 教育部補助人工智慧技術與應用領域系列課程 - 最先進之電腦對局遊戲系統設計 (2020/08/01-2021/07/31),共同主持人。
  • 第十屆國際電腦對局研討會暨奧林匹亞電腦對局競賽 (2018/07/07-2018/07/13)
  • 雙層疊工作層級運算系統及其電腦遊戲之應用--總計畫暨子計畫一:研究設計雙層疊工作層級運算系統 (2017/08/01-2019/07/31),整合型計畫總主持人。
  • 雙層疊工作層級運算系統及其電腦遊戲之應用--子計畫五:雙層疊工作層級運算系統應用於隨機性5五將棋程式之研發 (2017/08/01-2019/07/31),主持人。
  • 深度學習在輔助人類學習對局遊戲之應用 (2016/01/01-2017/12/31),共同主持人。
  • 適用於電腦遊戲之大規模工作層級運算系統及其應用--子計畫五:基於工作層級計算系統開發適用於電腦象棋之大規模開局庫 (2015/08/01-2017/07/31),主持人。
  • 電腦暗棋多暗子殘局庫之設計與製作 (2015/08/01-2016/07/31),主持人。
  • TCGA 2015 電腦對局研討會, 科技部補助國內舉辦國際學術研討會 (2015/06/01-2015/06/30)
  • 適用於電腦遊戲之工作層級運算系統及其應用--子計畫五:運用工作層級運算系統發展適用於電腦象棋之搜尋演算法 (2013/08/01-2015/07/31),主持人。
  • 適用於電腦對局遊戲之志願型計算系統及其應用問題--運用志願型計算系統建構象棋開局庫 (2010/08/01-2013/07/31),主持人。
  • 電腦日本將棋初探研究與電腦5五將棋之製作開發 (2010/11/01-2011/10/31),主持人。
  • 電腦圍棋量化局勢之研究 (2009/08/01-2010/07/31),主持人。
  • 電腦奕棋網路測試通用平台系統 (2009/07/01-2010/06/30),主持人。
  • 電腦象棋名手棋局知識庫 (2008/08/01-2010/07/31),主持人。
  • 電腦九路圍棋開局知識庫系統之設計與製作 (2006/08/01-2008/07/31),主持人。

電腦對局競賽 (Computer Game Competitions)

獲獎 (Awards)

  • 2024: 何暘同學 (A Study on Reinforcement Learning in Tri-Othello) 榮獲 2024 International Computer Symposium (ICS 2024) Excellent Paper Award
  • 2023: MeowCaTS/SimCat won the gold/silver medal in the 26th Computer Olympiad (Mahjong/Mahjong), online.
  • 2023: FatesGate won the gold medal in the 28th TAAI Computer Game Tournaments (Mahjong), Yunlin, Taiwan.
  • 2023: Yahari won the gold medal in TCGA Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess), NDHU, Hualian, Taiwan.
  • 2022: 王暄喻同學 (Design of the Minishogi Program Nyanpass) 榮獲 TCGA 2022 碩士論文獎 佳作
  • 2022: Reinstein/FatesGate won the silver/bronze medal in The 25th Computer Olympiad (EinStein Würfelt Nicht/Mahjong), online.
  • 2022: Yahari/FatesGate won the silver/silver medal in TAAI Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess/Mahjong), NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan.
  • 2022: Yahari/FatesGate won the silver/bronze medal in TCGA Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess/Mahjong), NCNU, Nantou, Taiwan.
  • 2021: Nyanpass won the gold medal in The 24th Computer Olympiad (Minishogi), online.
  • 2021: Yahari/Nyanpass won the silver/gold medal in TCGA Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess/Minishogi), online.
  • 2019: Yahari/Nyanpass won the gold/gold medal in The 22nd Computer Olympiad (Chinese dark chess/Minishogi), Macau.
  • 2019: Nyanpass won the second place in UEC 盃 in GAT 5五将棋大会 (The 11st UEC-cup Computer Mini-shogi tournament in GAT2019), Tokyo, Japan.
  • 2019: Yahari/Nyanpass won the bronze/gold medal in TAAI Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess/Minishogi), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  • 2018: Yahari/Nyanpass won the silver/gold medal in TAAI Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess/Minishogi), Taichung, Taiwan.
  • 2018: Yahari/Nyanpass won the bronze/bronze medal in The 21st Computer Olympiad (Chinese dark chess/Minishogi), New Taipei City, Taiwan.
  • 2016: Yahari/Hinata won the silver/silver medal in TCGA Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess/Minishogi), Taichung, Taiwan.
  • 2015: Yahari won the silver medal in the 18th Computer Olympiad (Chinese dark chess), Leiden, the Netherland.
  • 2015: Yahari won the gold medal in TAAI Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess), Tainan, Taiwan.
  • 2015: Yahari won the silver medal in TCGA Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess), Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  • 2014: Yahari won the gold medal in TAAI Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess), Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2014: Yahari won the gold medal in TCGA Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess), Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2013: Yahari won the gold medal in TAAI Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess), Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2002: ELP won the gold medal in Computer Olympiad (Chinese chess), Maastricht, the Netherlands.
  • 2001: ELP won the gold medal in Computer Olympiad (Chinese chess), Maastricht, the Netherlands.

課程 (Courses)

  • 電腦對局理論 Theory of Computer Games
  • 計算機程式設計 Computer Programming
  • 計算機結構 Computer Architecture