IEEE 1516(High Level Architecture, HLA)


Demo Video
● Upgrade legacy analysis system into multiple federates (Click to download)
● Jointed Simulation Proto-federation (Click to download)

High Level Architecture (HLA) is an evolution of DIS technique that aims to support a large scale of simulations over Wide Area Network. The objective of HLA is to provide a common simulation framework to facilitate interoperability of all types of simulations, tools, and live players and to promote the reuse of these modular M&S components. The HLA is defined by three concepts:

● The Object Model Templates(OMT)

● The Runtime Infrastructure(RTI)

● The HLA compliance rules

Among the above three, RTI is the underlined infrastructure that realizes the goal of interoperability among distributed simulations. RTI is composed of six types of management as the communication interface among simulations, which includes Federation Management, Declaration Management, Ownership Management, Object Management, Time Management, and Data Distribution Management.

I have devoted to myself HLA researches for over ten years and also helped MND, Taiwan, design many HLA-based prototype systems. Among them, the following are two of the interesting video from the proto-federations.

● Upgrade legacy analysis system into multiple federates

● Jointed Simulation Proto-federation

[Selected Publications]

● J.Y. Huang, "Design of the Decision Support System for the Joint Training Simulation", The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, SCS, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 2007, pp.43-53. (pdf)

● Jiung-yao Huang, M. C. Tung, H. Lin, and M. C. Lee, "An Approach for Unified Time Management Mechanism for HLA", Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 81, Issue 1, January 2005, pp.45 - 56. (Funded by National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC91-2623-7-032-003) [EI, SCI]. (pdf)

IEEE 1516規格(高階 模擬架構,簡稱HLA)

  高階模擬架構(High Level ArchitectureHLA)是繼DIS規 格之後的新一代分散式互動模擬網規格標準,而HLA規格已在2000年成為IEEE協 會編號為1516的標準。HLA由 美國國防部提出的一個模式模擬架構,主要由美國國防部的Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (簡稱DMSO)來主導整個標準的制定與修改。DMSO則是依據在199510月所提出之DoD Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Master Plan (DoD 5000.59-P),開始致力於建構一個公開通用的技術架構組織以促進其所有型式的模組及模擬系統(Models and Simulations)C4I系統能做溝通互動,亦即是在促進M&S元件重複使用性,而這個公開通用的技術架構組織則包含了高階模擬架 構(HLA) 

  HLA之主要目的為整合各種型態的模擬系統(包括真人操作真實系統、模擬器系 統和兵棋軟體)以及提升模擬系統各元件之重複使用性(reuse)與 相容性。在HLA的環境下,所有模擬物件,不管是兵棋軟體,還是真實武器系統, 統稱為Federates。在內容上,HLA包 括了以下三個部份﹕

●  高階模擬架構之規則(The HLA Rules)

●  高階模擬架構之介面規格(The HLA Interface Specification)

●  高階模擬架構之物件模型格式(The HLA Object Model Template)

  HLA Rules共有十條,其中五個規則是 用來定義Federation的關係,另外五個規則則是用來定義Federation元件(Federate)之 間的關係。

   HLA介面規格(Interface Specification)主要是在定義所謂的執行基礎(HLA Runtime Infrastructure -- RTI)的函式名稱與功能。所謂的執行基礎(RTI)實際上就是架構在網際網路上的分散式作業系統,所有符合HLA規格的模訓系統皆必須在RTI上 執行,所有模訓系統皆可透過RTI"仲介"輕易 的串聯在一起執行多使用者互動的功能。而HLA的介面規格(Interface Specification)旨在說明RTI所提供服務的函式呼叫名稱與參數設定,藉由HLA介面規格的規範,美國國防部委託學術界研究RTI的內部架構而不需擔心機密外洩。

   HLA Object Model Template (OMT)則是定義在HLA中所有的模擬演訓本身及其參與元件的資料格式,藉由OMT的格式設定,所有演訓系統皆有一套共通的演訓資料庫,以方便演訓過程模訓系 統之間的資料交換。OMT內容是HLA環 境的真正機密所在,此部份是由美國軍方自行經由不斷進行模擬演訓來建立其資料庫。HLA之 基本架構圖可以用下圖來表示:

黃老師多年來沈浸於HLA技術的研究,也幫國防部相關單位 製作不同類型的HLA模擬雛型系統,以下為其中的兩個展示影片。

● Upgrade legacy analysis system into multiple federates

● Jointed Simulation Proto-federation


● J.Y. Huang, "Design of the Decision Support System for the Joint Training Simulation", The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, SCS, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 2007, pp.43-53. (pdf)

● Jiung-yao Huang, M. C. Tung, H. Lin, and M. C. Lee, "An Approach for Unified Time Management Mechanism for HLA", Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 81, Issue 1, January 2005, pp.45 - 56. (Funded by National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC91-2623-7-032-003) [EI, SCI]. (pdf)