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即時公告 2010/09/02




講義 No.1:「政治研究中客觀性的類別與爭論」上網

講義 No.2:「政治研究中的定律問題」上網

講義 No.3:「思想史方法的再思」上網

講義 No.4:「先秦儒家的支配理論的類型:道德型正當性的試擬」上網



主要重點為從後期的 WittgensteinM. Polanyi知識社會學、
M. WeberT. Kuhn、存在現象學、A. Schutz批判理論以及詮釋學等角度,



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Kaplan, Abraham. and Lasswell, H. D. Power and Society: A Framework for Political Inquiry. New Haven: Yale university Press. 1950.

Kaplan, Abraham. The Conduct of Inquiry: Methodology for Behavioral Science. San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Company. 1964.

Keat, Russell & Urry, John. Social Theory as Science. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1975.

Kettler, D. "Herbert Marcuse: Alienation & Negativity," in A. de Crespigny & K. Minogue(ed.) Contemporary Political Philosophers. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company. 1975.

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Landau, M. Political Theory & Political Science: Studies in the Methodology of Political Inquiry. The Macmillan Comp. 1972.

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Polanyi, Michael,彭淮棟譯,《博藍尼講演集》,台北,聯經出版社,民七四。

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Reichenbach, Hans. The Rise of Scientific Philosophy. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1951.

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