Email: jcchen@mail.ntpu.edu.tw
TEL: +886-2-86741111 ext. 68831
Office: (237) 新北市三峽區大學路 151 號 電資大樓 719 室
7F19, Elytone Building, University Rd., No. 151, San Shia District, New Taipei City, 237, Taiwan |
- 電腦對局導論 (Computers and Classical Board Games: An Introduction)
- 第25屆人工智慧論壇 (AI Forum 2023)
清華大學, 新竹, 台灣, May 5, 2023 - 台灣電腦對局研討會暨競賽 (TCGA 2023)
東華大學, 花蓮, 台灣, May 19-20, 2023 - International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
Macao, August 19-25, 2023 - IEEE Conference on Games (CoG 2023)
Boston, USA, August 21-24, 2023 - 國際奧林匹亞電腦對局競賽 (Computer Olympiad 2023)
Online, the end of August, 2023 - The Advances in Computer Games conference (ACG 2023)
Online, November 28-30, 2023 - Computers and Games 2022 conference (CG 2022)
Online, November 22-24, 2022 - Game Programming Workshop (GPW-22)
The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 11-13, 2022 - Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2022)
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 1-3, 2022 - 第11回 UEC 盃 in GAT5五将棋大会 (The 11th UEC-cup Computer Mini-shogi tournament)
Tokyo, Japan, 3/9-10, 2019
簡介 (About)
學歷 (Education)
- 國立台灣大學資訊工程學系學士 (1996)
B.S., Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University - 國立台灣大學資訊工程所碩士 (1998)
M.S., Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University - 國立台灣大學資訊工程所博士 (2005)
Ph.D, Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University
經歷 (Experiences)
- 中華民國人工智慧學會秘書長 (2015.02-2017.01)
Secretary General, Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence (TAAI) - 中華民國人工智慧學會理事 (2017.02-2023.01)
- 中原大學應用數學系副教授、助理教授
Associate Professor and Assistant Professor , Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Chung Yuan Christian University - 銘傳大學資訊傳播工程學系助理教授
Assistant Professor , Dept. of Computer and Communication Engineering, Ming Chuan University
學術參與 (Academia Activities)
- General Chair of The 10th International Conference on Computers and Games (CG2018) and The 21st Computer Olympiad, Taiwan, July 7-13, 2018.
- Competition Chair of 2017 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI2017), Taiwan, 2017.
研究興趣 (Research Interests)
- 電腦對局 Computer Games
- 人工智慧 Artificial Intelligence
- 深度學習 Deep Learning for Computer Games
發表論文 (Publications)
期刊論文 (Journal Papers)
- Shih-Chieh Tang, I-Chen Wu, Jr-Chang Chen* (2023). MeowCaTS won the Mahjong tournament. ICGA Journal 45(2-3), 85-88. (SCIE)
- Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, Kokolo Ikeda, I-Chen Wu, Jr-Chang Chen, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2023). Analyses of Tabular AlphaZero on Strongly-Solved Stochastic Games. IEEE Access 11, 18157-18182. (SCIE) (link)
- Jr-Chang Chen*, Shih-Chieh Tang, I-Chen Wu (2022). Monte-Carlo Simulation for Mahjong. Journal of Information Science and Engineering 38(4), 775-790. (SCIE) (link)
- Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, Jr-Chang Chen (2022). CLAP_CDC wins Chinese dark chess tournament. ICGA Journal 44(3), 114-118. (SCIE)
- Shih-Chieh Tang, Jr-Chang Chen, I-Chen Wu (2022). VeryLongCat won the Mahjong tournament. ICGA Journal 44(3), 103-107. (SCIE)
- Jr-Chang Chen, Wen-Jie Tseng, I-Chen Wu, Ting-han Wei (2020). Comparison Training for Computer Chinese Chess. IEEE Transactions on Games 12(2), 169-176. (SCIE) (link)
- Wei-Yuan Hsu, Chu-Ling Ko, Jr-Chang Chen, Ting-Han Wei, Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, I-Chen Wu (2020). On Solving the 7,7,5-Game and the 8,8,5-Game. Theoretical Computer Science 815, 79-94. (SCIE) (link)
- Jr-Chang Chen*, Hsuan-Yu Wang, Po-Hsun Chen (2020). Nyanpass wins the Minishogi and Diceshogi tournaments. ICGA Journal, 42(1), 63-67. (SCIE) (link)
- Jr-Chang Chen*, Ting-Yu Lin, Gang-Yu Fan (2020). Yahari wins the Chinese dark chess tournament. ICGA Journal, 42(1), 53-56. (SCIE) (link)
- Ching-Nung Lin, Jr-Chang Chen, Shi-Jim Yen (2019). Deep Learning Competition Framework on Othello for Education. IEEE Transactions on Games 11(3), 300-304. (SCIE) (link)
- Jr-Chang Chen, Gang-Yu Fan, Hung-Jui Chang, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2018). Compressing Chinese Dark Chess Endgame Databases by Deep Learning. IEEE Transactions on Games 10(4), 413-422. (SCIE) (link)
- Jr-Chang Chen, Chin-Lin Shiue (2018). An investigation of the game of Defend the Island. ICGA Journal 40(4), 330-340. (SCIE) (link)
- Lin Ching-Nung, Jr-Chang Chen, Yen Shi-Jim, Chan-San Chen (2018). Design of a Block Go program using deep learning and Monte Carlo tree search. ICGA Journal 40(3), 149-159. (SCIE) (link)
- Hung-Jui Chang, Jr-Chang Chen, Gang-Yu Fang, Chih-Wen Hsueh, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2018). Using Chinese Dark Chess Endgame Databases to Validate and Fine-Tune Game Evaluation Functions. ICGA Journal 40(2), 45-60. (SCIE) (link)
- Hung-Jui Chang, Jr-Chang Chen, Chih-Wen Hsueh, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2018). Analysis and Efficient Solutions for 2×4 Chinese Dark Chess. ICGA Journal 40(2), 61-76. (SCIE) (link)
- Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, I-Chen Wu, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Jr-Chang Chen (2018). An Investigation of Strength Analysis Metrics for Game-Playing Programs: A Case Study in Chinese Dark Chess. ICGA Journal 40(2), 77-104. (SCIE) (link)
- Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, I-Chen Wu, Wen-Jie Tseng, Shi-Jim Yen, Jr-Chang Chen (2016). An Analysis for Strength Improvement of an MCTS-Based Program Playing Chinese Dark Chess. Theoretical Computer Science 644(C), 63-75. (SCIE) (link)
- Jr-Chang Chen, Ting-Yu Lin, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2015). Equivalence Classes in Dark Chess Endgames. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 7(2), 109-122. (SCIE) (link)
- Jr-Chang Chen, I-Chen Wu, Wen-Jie Tseng, Bo-Han Lin, Chia-Hui Chang (2015). Job-Level Alpha-Beta Search. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 7(1), 28-38. (SCIE) (link)
- Shi-Jim Yen, Cheng-Wei Chou, Jr-Chang Chen, I-Chen Wu, Kuo-Yuan Kao (2015). Design and Implementation of Chinese Dark Chess Programs, IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 7(1), 66-74. (SCIE) (link)
- Bo-Nian Chen, Hung-Jui Chang, Shun-Chin Hsu, Jr-Chang Chen, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2014). Advanced Meta-knowledge for Chinese Chess Endgame Knowledge Bases. ICGA Journal 37(1), 17-24. (SCIE) (link)
- Jr-Chang Chen, Tsan-Cheng Su, Shi-Jim Yen (2014). TAAI 2013 Computer Game Tournaments Report. ICGA Journal 37(1), 40-43. (SCIE)
- Bo-Nian Chen, Hung-Jui Chang, Shun-Chin Hsu, Jr-Chang Chen, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2013). Multi-Level Inference in Chinese Chess Endgame Knowledge Bases. ICGA Journal 36(4), 203-214. (SCIE) (link)
- Shi-Jim Yen, Jr-Chang Chen, Tai-Ning Yang, Shun-Chin Hsu (2004). Computer Chinese Chess. ICGA Journal 27(1), 3-18. (SCIE) (link)
- Jr-Chang Chen, Jun-Ping Chen, Yu-Yen Wang, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2024). Improvements in Evaluation Functions Based on Endgame Databases of Chinese Dark Chess. IEEE Conference on Games 2024 (IEEE CoG 2024), Milan, Italy. (EI) (link)
- Yang Ho, Jr-Chang Chen* (2024). A Study on Reinforcement Learning in Tri-Othello. 2024 International Computer Symposium (ICS 2024), Taipei, Taiwan. (Excellent Paper Award)
- Shih-Chieh Tang, Jr-Chang Chen*, I-Chen Wu (2024). A Lookup Table for Deficiency Number Calculation in Mahjong. 2024 International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2024), Hsinchu, Taiwan. (accepted) (EI)
- Shi-Jim Yen, Yu-Shan Yen, Jr-Chang Chen (2024). Number Solitaire Game HyperSpaceWorm. The 29th Game Programming Workshop (GPW-24), Kanagawa, Japan. (accepted)
- Shi-Jim Yen, Chaowei Huang, Yu-Feng Yen, Jr-Chang Chen (2024). Incorporating Domain Knowledge into Monte Carlo Tree Search in Dark Chess. IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE ICASI 2024), Kyoto, Japan. (EI)
- Jr-Chang Chen, Tzu-Yang Hsu, Chia-Ming Hsu, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2023). Applying Larger N-Tuple Networks to EinStein Würfelt Nicht!. ACM conference proceedings of the 2023 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (CIIS'23), 165-172, Tokyo, Japan. (EI, Scopus) (link)
- Shi-Jim Yen, Guan-Lun Chen, Jr-Chang Chen (2023). Life-and-death Problem Prediction using Deep Convolutional Neural Network in the Game of Go. The 28th Game Programming Workshop (GPW-23), Kanagawa, Japan.
- Jr-Chang Chen, Chao-Liang Weng, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2022). Preliminary Design, Implementation and Observations of the Multi-player Game Tri-Othello. 2022 International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2022), 36-41, Tainan, Taiwan, (link)
- Cheng-Han Yeh, Jr-Chang Chen (2022). Monte-Carlo Simulation with Heuristics for Computer Mahjong. 2022 TCGA Computer Game Workshop (TCGA 2022), Nantou, Taiwan. (佳作論文獎)
- Zin-Yang Syu, Jr-Chang Chen (2022). Applying Bitboard and N-Tuple Networks to EinStein Würfelt Nicht!. 2022 TCGA Computer Game Workshop (TCGA 2022), Nantou, Taiwan.
- Wen-Jie Tseng, Jr-Chang Chen, I-Chen Wu (2019). Merging Metrics of Special Rules in Chinese Chess Endgame Databases. The 2019 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2019), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, I-Chen Wu, Jr-Chang Chen, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2018). AlphaZero for a Non-deterministic Game. The 2018 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2018), Taichung, Taiwan. (EI, Best Paper Award)
- Wen-Jie Tseng, Jr-Chang Chen, I-Chen Wu (2018). Comparison Training of N-Tuple Networks for Chess. The 23rd Game Programming Workshop (GPW-18), Kanagawa, Japan.
- Jr-Chang Chen, Ting-Yu Lin, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2018). The Number of Effective Moves. The 10th International Conference on Computers and Games (CG2018), New Taipei City, Taiwan.
- Hung-Jui Chang, Gang-Yu Fan, Jr-Chang Chen, Chih-Wen Hsueh, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2017). Validating and Fine-tuning of Game Evaluating Functions Using Endgame Databases. Proceedings of the 2017 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17), Computer Games Workshop, Melbourne, Australian. Computer Games, 137-150, Springer. (EI) (link)
- Shi-Jim Yen, Ching-Nung Lin, Guan-Lun Cheng, Jr-Chang Chen (2017). Deep Learning and Block Go. The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2017), Anchorage, Alaska, USA. (EI)
- Ching-Nung Lin, Shi-Jim Yen, Jr-Chang Chen (2017). Accelerate Parallel Deep Learning Inferences with MCTS in the game of Go, The 22nd Game Programming Workshop (GPW-17), Kanagawa, Japan.
- Shi-Jim Yen, Keng Wen Li, Jr-Chang Chen, Ching-Nung Lin (2016). Deep Convolutional Neural Network, Minorization-Maximization Algorithm, and Monte Carlo Tree Search on Block Go. The 21th Game Programming Workshop (GPW-2016), Kanagawa, Japan.
- Jr-Chang Chen, Gang-Yu Fan, Shih-Yu Tsai, Ting-Yu Lin, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2015). Compressing Chinese Dark Chess Endgame Databases. 2015 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (IEEE CIG 2015), Tainan, Taiwan. (EI) (link)
- Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, I-Chen Wu, Wen-Jie Tseng, Shi-Jim Yen, Jr-Chang Chen (2015). Strength Improvement and Analysis for an MCTS-Based Chinese Dark Chess Program. The 14th conference on Advances in Computer Games (ACG2015), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 9525, 29-40, Leiden, the Netherlands. (EI) (link)
- Shi-Jim Yen, Wei-Liang Chen, Jr-Chang Chen, Shun-Chin Hsu, I-Chen Wu (2014). An Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm with Priority Calculation for Unit Commitment Problem, The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GrC 2014), Hokkaido, Japan. pp. 352-357. (EI) (link)
- Chen, W.J., Yen, S.J., Chen, J.C., Lin, C.N., "Design and Implementation of Magic Chess," The 19th Game Programming Workshop (GPW-14), 2014, Kanagawa, Japan. (link)
- Wen-Jie Tseng, Jr-Chang Chen*, I-Chen Wu, Ching-Hua Kuo, Po-Han Lin (2013). A Supervised Learning Method for Chinese Chess Programs, The 27th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI2013), Toyama, Japan. (link)
- Kuang-Yu Wu, Jr-Chang Chen*, Shi-Jim Yen, Shun-Chin Hsu (2012). Design of Knowledge-based Opening Database for Minishogi. IWCG Workshop, The 2012 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2012), Tainan, Taiwan. (EI) (link)
- Jr-Chang Chen, Ting-Yu Lin, Shun-Chin Hsu, Tsan-sheng Hsu (2012). Design and Implementation of Computer Chinese Dark Chess Endgame Database. The 2012 TCGA Computer Game Workshop (TCGA 2012), Hualien, Taiwan.
- Shi-Jim Yen, Tsan-Cheng Su, Shih-Yuan Chiu, Jr-Chang Chen (2010). Optimization of Nonogram's Solver by Using an Efficient Algorithm. The 2010 International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2010), Taiwan. (pp. 444-449) (EI) (link)
- Bo-Nian Chen, Jian-Yu Chen, Jr-Chang Chen, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Pangfeng Liu, Shun-Chin Hsu (2009). An Intelligent Tutoring System of Chinese Chess. Proceedings on 22nd International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE '09), LNCS 5579, 350-359, Tainan, Taiwan. (EI) (link)
- Shi-Jim Yen, Tai-Ning Yang, Jr-Chang Chen, Shun-Chin Hsu (2007). Pattern Matching in Go Game Records. The second International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC 2007), 2007, Kumamoto, Japan. (pp. 297) (EI) (link)
- Jr-Chang Chen, Shi-Jim Yen. Shun-Chin Hsu (2005). Study on Loop Problem in Opening Game Knowledge Base for Chinese. The 8th Joint Conference on Information Science (JCIS), Salt Lake City, UTAH, USA.
- Tsan-sheng Hsu, Shun-Chin Hsu, Jr-Chang Chen, Yi-Ting Chiang, No-Nian Chen, Yun-Ching Liu, Hung-Jui Chang, Sue-Chen Tsai, Ting-Yu Lin, Gang-Yu Fan (June 2017). Computers and Classical Board Games An Introduction (電腦對局導論), National Taiwan University Press, 389 pages, ISBN: 978-986-350-237-1. (link)
研究計畫 (Projects)
- 零知識強化學習技術及其應用於電腦遊戲之研究--子計畫五:基於零知識強化學習技術之麻將遊戲AI研發 (2024/08/01-2027/07/31),主持人。
- 運用MuZero技術於六子棋遊戲之精確證明 (2022/08/01-2024/07/31),主持人。
- 基於AlphaZero框架的隨機型對局遊戲程式之研發 (2019/08/01-2022/07/31),主持人。
- 深度強化式學習技術之應用研究 (2018/01/01-2021/12/31),共同主持人。
- 人工智慧在輔助人類學習對局遊戲之應用 (2018/01/01-2021/12/31),共同主持人。
- 教育部補助人工智慧技術與應用領域系列課程 - 最先進之電腦對局遊戲系統設計 (2020/08/01-2021/07/31),共同主持人。
- 第十屆國際電腦對局研討會暨奧林匹亞電腦對局競賽 (2018/07/07-2018/07/13)
- 雙層疊工作層級運算系統及其電腦遊戲之應用--總計畫暨子計畫一:研究設計雙層疊工作層級運算系統 (2017/08/01-2019/07/31),整合型計畫總主持人。
- 雙層疊工作層級運算系統及其電腦遊戲之應用--子計畫五:雙層疊工作層級運算系統應用於隨機性5五將棋程式之研發 (2017/08/01-2019/07/31),主持人。
- 深度學習在輔助人類學習對局遊戲之應用 (2016/01/01-2017/12/31),共同主持人。
- 適用於電腦遊戲之大規模工作層級運算系統及其應用--子計畫五:基於工作層級計算系統開發適用於電腦象棋之大規模開局庫 (2015/08/01-2017/07/31),主持人。
- 電腦暗棋多暗子殘局庫之設計與製作 (2015/08/01-2016/07/31),主持人。
- TCGA 2015 電腦對局研討會, 科技部補助國內舉辦國際學術研討會 (2015/06/01-2015/06/30)
- 適用於電腦遊戲之工作層級運算系統及其應用--子計畫五:運用工作層級運算系統發展適用於電腦象棋之搜尋演算法 (2013/08/01-2015/07/31),主持人。
- 適用於電腦對局遊戲之志願型計算系統及其應用問題--運用志願型計算系統建構象棋開局庫 (2010/08/01-2013/07/31),主持人。
- 電腦日本將棋初探研究與電腦5五將棋之製作開發 (2010/11/01-2011/10/31),主持人。
- 電腦圍棋量化局勢之研究 (2009/08/01-2010/07/31),主持人。
- 電腦奕棋網路測試通用平台系統 (2009/07/01-2010/06/30),主持人。
- 電腦象棋名手棋局知識庫 (2008/08/01-2010/07/31),主持人。
- 電腦九路圍棋開局知識庫系統之設計與製作 (2006/08/01-2008/07/31),主持人。
電腦對局競賽 (Computer Game Competitions)
下載使用於電腦對局競賽之客戶端程式 (Download client programs for competitions) (Game Platform website)
- Version 5.4.3
- 快速使用手冊, Client 使用說明
- Chinese dark chess (Rules, Sample Code, Linux, MS Windows)
- Chinese chess (download)
- 2024: 何暘同學 (A Study on Reinforcement Learning in Tri-Othello) 榮獲 2024 International Computer Symposium (ICS 2024) Excellent Paper Award
- 2023: MeowCaTS/SimCat won the gold/silver medal in the 26th Computer Olympiad (Mahjong/Mahjong), online.
- 2023: FatesGate won the gold medal in the 28th TAAI Computer Game Tournaments (Mahjong), Yunlin, Taiwan.
- 2023: Yahari won the gold medal in TCGA Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess), NDHU, Hualian, Taiwan.
- 2022: 王暄喻同學 (Design of the Minishogi Program Nyanpass) 榮獲 TCGA 2022 碩士論文獎 佳作
- 2022: Reinstein/FatesGate won the silver/bronze medal in The 25th Computer Olympiad (EinStein Würfelt Nicht/Mahjong), online.
- 2022: Yahari/FatesGate won the silver/silver medal in TAAI Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess/Mahjong), NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan.
- 2022: Yahari/FatesGate won the silver/bronze medal in TCGA Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess/Mahjong), NCNU, Nantou, Taiwan.
- 2021: Nyanpass won the gold medal in The 24th Computer Olympiad (Minishogi), online.
- 2021: Yahari/Nyanpass won the silver/gold medal in TCGA Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess/Minishogi), online.
- 2019: Yahari/Nyanpass won the gold/gold medal in The 22nd Computer Olympiad (Chinese dark chess/Minishogi), Macau.
- 2019: Nyanpass won the second place in UEC 盃 in GAT 5五将棋大会 (The 11st UEC-cup Computer Mini-shogi tournament in GAT2019), Tokyo, Japan.
- 2019: Yahari/Nyanpass won the bronze/gold medal in TAAI Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess/Minishogi), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- 2018: Yahari/Nyanpass won the silver/gold medal in TAAI Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess/Minishogi), Taichung, Taiwan.
- 2018: Yahari/Nyanpass won the bronze/bronze medal in The 21st Computer Olympiad (Chinese dark chess/Minishogi), New Taipei City, Taiwan.
- 2016: Yahari/Hinata won the silver/silver medal in TCGA Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess/Minishogi), Taichung, Taiwan.
- 2015: Yahari won the silver medal in the 18th Computer Olympiad (Chinese dark chess), Leiden, the Netherland.
- 2015: Yahari won the gold medal in TAAI Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess), Tainan, Taiwan.
- 2015: Yahari won the silver medal in TCGA Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess), Taoyuan, Taiwan.
- 2014: Yahari won the gold medal in TAAI Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess), Taipei, Taiwan.
- 2014: Yahari won the gold medal in TCGA Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess), Taipei, Taiwan.
- 2013: Yahari won the gold medal in TAAI Computer Game Tournaments (Chinese dark chess), Taipei, Taiwan.
- 2002: ELP won the gold medal in Computer Olympiad (Chinese chess), Maastricht, the Netherlands.
- 2001: ELP won the gold medal in Computer Olympiad (Chinese chess), Maastricht, the Netherlands.
課程 (Courses)
- 電腦對局理論 Theory of Computer Games
- 計算機程式設計 Computer Programming
- 計算機結構 Computer Architecture