歡迎光臨 中華民國美國俄亥俄州立大學校友會網站 OSU News Update [Connect] 校友資料新建與更新,please update your information[Link]
20081008 OSU Regional Director of Major Gifts, Kathy Chase met vice premier, Paul Chiu and OSU Alumni Club - Taiwan president, Lung-Sheng Lee on October 8. [Photo]
20080828 OSU Graduation Reception by the office of International Affairs and The Ohio State University Alumni Association [Link]
20080628 校友會會員大會暨聯誼活動-明道大學巡禮饗宴 日期:6月28日(星期六)1100-1700 地點:明道大學[活動內容][活動內容pdf]→[活動報名回函網頁]
20080511 蕭副總統萬長獲頒榮譽博士學位照片集 [Photo1][Photo2][Photo3][Photo4][Photo5][Photo6][Photo7][Photo8]
20080511 [活動照片] 中華民國OSU校友會恭賀 蕭萬長博士榮任 副總統 邱正雄校友榮任 行政院副院長 鄭瑞城博士榮任 教育部長 茶會 日期:民國九十七年五月十一日(星期日)下午二點至四點 地點:台大校友會館三樓A室,台北市濟南路一段2-1號 校友會理事長李隆盛暨秘書長顏錫銘敬邀
☉ 請轉告其他OSU校友踴躍報名參加。
聯絡人:國立聯合大學 校長室 湯曉歆 小姐
20080511 OSU Party [Photo] Congratulation on Vice President Vincent C. Siew, Vice Premier Paul Chiu, and Minister of Education, Jei-Cheng Cheng May 11 (Sunday) 1400-1600 3A, NTU Alumni Building No. 2-1, Sec. 1, Jinan Road, Taipei Contact: Miss Tang E-mail:tiffany@nuu.edu.tw
20080428 OSU alumni, Jei-Cheng Cheng, is nominated to be Minister of Education, Executive Yaun of R.O.C. Jei-Cheng Cheng, graduated from Department of Communications, OSU. He was ex-president of National Cheng-Chi University. [Photo]
20080421 OSU alumni, Paul Chiu, is nominated to be vice Premier of Executive Yaun of ROC. Paul Chiu, graduated from Department of Economics, OSU, in 1978. He was Ministry of Finance during 1996- 2000. [Photo]
20080322 OSU alumni, Vincent C. Siew, is elected to be the 12th vice president of R.O.C. Vincent C. Siew, born January 3, 1939, was the first Taiwanese-born Premier of the Republic of China. Siew is the current Vice President-elect, having won the 2008 Presidential Elections on 22 March with running-mate Ma Ying-Jeou. Vincent Siew obtained honor Ph.D. degree from OSU in 1999. [Photo] 頒發榮譽博士學位[照片1] [照片2] [照片3] [照片4]
20080104 Shanghai-Buckeye Faithful [Message] 20080103 Message from OSU Alumni Association [Message] 20080101 Happy New Year, Message from OSU Alumni Association of Taiwan [President Lung-Sheng Lee] 20071011U.S. University Fair The Ohio State University International Admissions Counselor, Sarah D. Hughes, will attend the U.S. University Fair on October 11, 2007 at the Howard Johnson Hotel. The hours of the fair are 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Anyone who might be interested in studying in the U.S. and encourage them to meet with her at the fair to learn more about the opportunities available at The Ohio State University. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at hughes.964@osu.edu or at 614-688-4376. 20070817 歡迎Associate Dean of Education, Dr. Hancock茶會 1300-1630 亞都麗緻二樓,民權東路二段41號 [活動內容,報名表] In honor of the Dean of the College of Human Ecology and Interim Dean of the College of Education at the Ohio State University on his visit to Taiwan, ROC. Dr. Paul Chiu, Advisor of The Ohio State University Alumni Club in Taiwan, ROC. and Dr. JinTu Wang, President of The Ohio State University Alumni Club in Taiwan, ROC. and Newly President Elected of The Ohio State University Alumni Club in Taiwan, ROC, Dr. Lung Shan Lee request the pleasure of your company at a welcoming Party on Friday, August 17, 2007, from 13:00 to16:30 am at 2F,Salon, Ritz Landis, 41 Ming Chuan E. Road Section 2, Taipei R.S.V.P. (on or before Aug 15:00 PM Fax to 02-23412930 or e-mail to roychang@seed.net.tw )
20070814-18 Dr. Hancock, Associate Dean, College of Education visits Taiwan for four days, the Alumni Club in Taiwan is planning a receiption party so he can talk to us for future Taiwan and US college exchanging plans. Please call Jason Tsai at 0932055479 or [email] if you are interested in attending the reception.
20070808[Football Message] by Kimberly Lowe, OSUAA [BigTenNetwork]
20070807[Job Post] Master in Human Resources, please transfer to whom looking for position
20070804[Personal Greeting] from Kimberly Lowe, Director of Alumni Clubs, [The Ohio State University Alumni Association, Inc.]
20070801校友會聚會暨理監事選舉[活動相片下載],賀李隆盛學長當選理事長 20061213恭賀楊正綸學姊考取臺灣律師執照,感謝林輝亮學長及夫人協助未來校友會舉辦之Potluck活動,[OSU訊息連結] 20061116-20美夢成真高爾夫五日遊[活動內容] 20061115 OSU news 20061111OSU校友會校友聚會,[養生專題]敬請踴躍參加[報名表] 20060829轉寄母校校長來函[20060829] 20060829-30臺北教育大學學術演講訊息 本校邀請 Dr. White from College of Education 將於 Tue, August 29 及 Wed, Aug. 30 假台北教育大學台北市愛國西路1號 發表兩場演說 Collaborative Model for International Education Research and Development (9.20~10:30, Aug. 29)及 Integration of Science and Mathematics Teaching and Learning: What Can We Do About It ? Exploration of the Mean as a
Balance. (9:00~10:10), 若欲參加學長請洽陳義勳學長
0939910313 20060325-26OSU春季旅遊活動,歡迎參加 [活動內容][報名表] 20060317Dean of Human Ecology, David W. Andrew visit Taipei [photo] 20051004本校校友黃玟君(OSU教育博士,國立台灣科技大學應用外語系助理教授)從94年9月13日起,每週二於《聯合報》教育版撰寫專欄「笑談時事英文」,幫助讀者瞭解台灣最新時事,如「馬屁文化」、「凱子外交」的英文說法。請各位學長姐多多支持!校友會將會陸續刊登此專欄其他文章。[column] 20050824Dr. Wen-Jiun Huang(黃 玟君)'s "Joke·Fun English" column in China Times [go] 20050817Dr. Wen-Jiun Huang(黃 玟君)'s "Joke·Fun English" column in China Times [go] 20050810OSU alumni, Dr. Wen-Jiun Huang(黃 玟君), starts her "Joke·Fun English" column in China Times every Wednesday from August 10, 2005. [news] 20050509Happy Mother's day 20050508OSU alumni newsletter 20050505小城故事[黃玟君] 20050400[理監事改選暨聯誼演講餐會] [敬請踴躍報名參加] 20050323 [Job Searching] Chinese MBA Students of Fisher College of Business [Fisher MBA candidates 2nd-year] [Fisher MBA candidates 1st-year] 20050315校友資訊 靜宜大學校長俞明德 20050314OSU校友行政人員訪台 [Photo1] [Photo2] Kathy Chase, Director, Western USA and International Development; Michelle Jacobson, Alumni Dircetor, FISHER College of Business 20050211 NFL Super Bowl The Patriots won their third Super Bowl in four years -- 24-21 against the Philadelphia Eagles 20050209[農曆]新年快樂 20050200Football (college football and NFL) 20050203徵求菁英人才,請參閱商軟體公司台灣地區籌備處菁英人才招募 20050100國立臺北大學商學院誠徵進修學士班兼任教師,工作地點:台北市 ,截止日期:二月十日止,須備有教育部教師證書 20050114校友[BSMA]徵求工作機會[履歷]敬請學長姐惠予推薦 20040930俄亥俄州州長Bob Taft歡迎酒會相關訊息請見活動紀錄 20040900[BLOG]校友討論留言版 20040900有關OSU或Columbus的訊息,請參閱OSU LINK與PROFILE。
******************************************************* 中華民國美國俄亥俄州立大學校友會 The Ohio State University Alumni Association of Taiwan 會址: 臺北市杭州南路一段八號七樓 7F, No.8, Sec. 1, 杭州 S. Rd., Taipei, R.O.C. 秘書長:張柏毅, 電話:0930755401, Phone: 886-930 755401 網址URL: http://www.osualumni.org.tw 網站維護contact: e-mail: jason@mail.ntpu.edu.tw